Let me please take this opportunity to wish all my readers, friends and family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ! :-)
Category: Kulturschock
(early morning view from my backyard window)
Seems like the season has officially started in Embu. Now the only thing missing will be “Last Christmas” by Wham!. Hohoho….
That’s it….that’s it….!!
When you live next to a bar/nightclub, you’ll be woken up to:
ROXETTE “listen to your heart“
…a.k.a. the moments you know you’re in shaggz country. OMFG!
I came home at 10.30 pm, listened to the daily dose of wisdom by my dear friend Njuguna from Ruaka and switched on his tv to see Martha K. answer nasty questions on corruption issues. Martha sure is someone you wouldn’t want to mess with. I somehow like her though.
Being scared off her P.Muiteesque eyes (same scary eyebooools) and very clear line of reasoning against any allegations, we switched channels and tuned into KBC which presented us with this:
(sorry for the poor sreenshot – I took this occasion to try out my new analog/digital tv pcmcia/pc card and still haven’t found a proper antenna)
One of these typical “dial in” shows where people are supposed to solve very difficult riddles and waste a lot of money on telephone charges. In other words: whoever calls the displayed number will most likely waste his hard earned money.
The other annoying side of it is that the presenters in these shows have no other job but to keep on animating people to pick up the phone and dial that number. Which means that they keep on talking BS and make a fool out of themselves. I wonder how this show is accepted among the public. Do they like it?
You know, in Germany there are about 5 to 7 tv channels at the moment who show such programms starting from around 10 pm every night until morning hours. Some of these presenters even strip naked (breasts) to attract (male) viewers – which of course is very embarrassing in front of those visitors that come from (much) more restriced countries.
(a screenshot from DSF – sports channel on German tv earlier this year)
Yeah…that’s our world in 2006….
Fellow blogger Majonzi asked me about a possible culture shock in rural Embu. I never expected any luxury in Embu and will of course have to adopt to the rural lifestyle (although of course the place I am staying is still very much urban).
WHAT shocks me though is this KBC programme that doesn’t differ in any ways from what they showing to the masses over in Europe. Same stupidity and tacky way of luring dumb viewers in spending their hard earned money on unsuccesful phone calls.
KITSCH calendars for sale….
….or would YOU like to put such a wonderful assortment of beautiful pictures as a calendar on your wall?
Availabooool @ http://www.sitimaprinters.com/ :-))
Technorati-SHOULD-BE-KEYWORDS: posers, image, printers, guys who rent a domain “to be online” but offer no content, kitsch, lapse of taste, kenya believe it
Minni Inn Ltd., Embu
There was this management workshop for a gazettable paper which made us book rooms @ Embu’s Minni Inn. The place itself is very basic, but compared to my new flat in Embu downtown it is pure luxury. Things are a little bit different over here. Whereas Nairobi ppl would be spoilt enough to expect certain things, Embu standards are orientated on the rural comfort, meaning: anything that exceeds fetching water from the river is considered luxury.
A perfect example for the typical kenyanesque overstatement is that they’ve put huge tv sets in each room – despite the fact that there’s really poor reception of tv signals (at least) in this part of Embu. “Please do not try to adjust tv channels” it says on the room information.
In the very same room you’ll find a broken toilet seat and one of those italian water heaters (!!) installed on the shower which – of course – is out of order. A brand new tv set and poor sanitational facilities? Now how does that match?
And the best part was this array of nails on a piece of wood – nailed to the middle of the wall BEHIND the bed which was supposed to be some sort of coat hooks. Aterere….
The first night all guest were woken up at 1 am and 3 am but loud noises coming from the Bar area. Since the Bar officially closes down at 11 pm, it was obvious that the watchman would be the one to be blamed: an old askari who doesn’t speak English and who turned up the volume of the installed tv set (+ poor signal reception!) in order to stay awake and get some entertainment.
The first night we prayed for a power failure and things eventually settled at 3.30 am, the second night the noises came back and so I went to the Bar at 4 am and found this old askari sitting there like a dumb sheep. “Kelele…..mbaya….na hakuna maji”. When I woke up at 4, there was no water in the whole place. How come? The hotel has 4 huge containers and a ferrocement tank but the pump is a little bit faulty and needs to be continously switched on and off in order to work. The guy in charge of that (who??) apparently forgot to take care of it.
“Station under new management” – one often reads this marketing slogan on petrol stations. I wish this could be applied on Minni Inn as well. With the right management and some more diligence / speed by the employees, this place could rock. But instead they prefer to let themselves go. Ok ok, they have never been to places like The Grand Regency, Serena, Hemingway’s (the toilets!), etc etc to see what’s possible, and no one expects a middle class hotel to offer the same luxury as a 4 star Hotel. However, there are a few things that just require little amounts of money and some time in order to make guest feel very welcome.
Minni Inn Ltd., Embu
single room 250/= Kshs.
single room (self contained) 500/= Kshs.
double room (self contained) 1.000/= Kshs.
One of the few moments when people are brought together in unity (watching soccer :-).
Ugali, fried potatoes and nyama, nyama, nyama…..
…you eat nyama all day long and end up longing for such a plate full of vegetabooools na fruits.
My wonderful colleagues have found a nice flat/room for me in Embu for 3.500/= /month. Very secure, with a nice view on Embu. The previous tenant has been a Somali who slept on the floor and who left the place covered with rubbish when he moved out. Did he get his deposit back? If you do this in Germany, your landlord will track you down and kick your butt until it really hurts. Since the place is so popular with Embu folks, the landlord wouldn’t have probs renting it out so cleaning is a matter left to the next tenant. Which would be me.
Panari Empire
Have you ever wondered where all this Nakumatt Kitsch goes (I’ve mentioned earlier)? Ever thought about getting a taste of Dubai without leaving the beautiful City of Nairobi? Or spending some 800 bob on 60 minutes of ice skating?
Well, wait no longer – Kenya’s “new” Panari Sky Centre has it all.
The Entrance looks a bit too Dubaiish. But compared to Grand Regency (which is another faux pas in terms of good taste) it is even worse. Big doors = big people? When I went inside, I saw a fat (very fat!!) American coming out. Hmm…
“Solar Ice Rink” @ 500/= pp under 14, 800/= Kshs. over 14 years and adults. It looks a bit improvised, BUT it works and looks great. Even shoes are available in my size 12 (I asked).
Ok ok ok….the centre of course accomodates a Hotel as well – and this is what we came here for. We came for the view. And because I am afraid of heights. The other day, Mbuzimoja took me to Safari Tower downtown where we just took the lift to the top floor and searched for a view until we found the fire exit ladder. I couldn’t look down. But take pictures :-)
This is the view from one of the floors where the rooms are located. Nice view. Please have a closer look at the interior design….hehe…
(=> this is a guests-only area….we stayed there until we got kicked out by Duncan, the security guy…)
Nairobi National Park in front.
Nakumatt Kitsch, exampoool 1
Nakumatt Kitsch, exampooool 2
Nakumatt Kitsch, exampoool 3
Just look at this picture: imported tiles, an ugly plastic Zebra carpet, some yellow & undefinable chairs from another spaceship (1970s rock, dude!) and a completely unfitting copy of an old (dutch, I pressume) oil painting.
In other words: the Panari Hotel has it all for those who ever wanted to get a glimpse of Dubai and never really developed their own (better) taste.
P.S.: the swimming pool looked nice though, even the Gym. Daily charges are 1.250 /= Kshs. pp., monthly membership 9.000 Kshs….they even have a Steam Bath!
Minga rocks again…
(Aufkleber auf der Wiesn, fotografiiiiert von der Wiesngschbusi Mbuzimoja)
…was man sich dann ungefähr so vorstellen darf:
(beim Sport Schuster, neulich an der Kasse)
BayerischBairisch für Anfänger (Quelle)
Als Wiesn-Besucher sollten Sie sich darauf einstellen, dass auf dem Oktoberfest viel Bayerisch gesprochen wird – viel mehr als es üblicherweise in München der Fall ist. Grund dafür ist vermutlich die hohe Anzahl derer, die aus dem ländlichen Bayern in die Großstadt kommen, um auf der Wiesn zu feiern.
Als Nichtbayer empfiehlt es sich, einige Begriffe aus dem Bayerischen zu kennen, um mögliche Missverständnisse gar nicht erst aufkommen zu lassen. So ist eine „Fotzn“ kein vulgärer Ausdruck für ein Geschlechtsorgan, sondern bezeichnet eine Ohrfeige. Und wenn von einem „Stamperl“ die Rede ist, so ist damit nicht ein stämmiger, stark untersetzter Mensch gemeint, sondern ein Gläschen Schnaps.
Hier einige Ausdrücke, die Sie kennen sollten:
Griasgood / Griasdi Guten Tag / Grüß dich
Griaseichgood miteinand Grüß Gott zusammen
Deaf I? / Ealaums? Darf ich? / Erlauben Sie?
Is da no frei? Ist hier noch frei?
A Maß (unbedingt mit kurzem a aussprechen!) Ein Liter Bier
Brezn Brezel, Brezen
bieseln urinieren
Schmaizler Schnupftabak
Radi Rettich
Hendl / Gickerl Brathuhn
Stamperl Gläschen Schnaps
Obatzda Paste aus Camembert und Zwiebeln, gewürzt mit Paprika
Ha? Wie bitte?
Host mi? Hast du mich verstanden?
Ja mei wörtlich zu übersetzen; bedeutsam ist hier die Betonung: ein kurz gesprochenes "ja mei" bedeutet wenig Interesse an einer Sache, ein gedehntes "ja mei" mit steigender Stimmhöhe schon erfreutes Erstaunen und ein seufzendes "ja mei" höchste Anteilnahme. Norddeutsche benötigen hingegen meist einen Wortschwall, um ihre Gefühle so differenziert ausdrücken zu können.
Jaggal Jäckchen
Des is mia wurscht Das ist mir egal
Ja, mi leggst am Oarsch! / Ja, do legst di nieda! Donnerwetter! (Ausruf des Erstaunens)
Aff / Depp / Hirsch Nicht als Beleidigung zu verstehen; herzlicher Umgangston
Saupreiß Saupreuße (Schimpfwort für alle Nichtbayern)
Bussl Küsschen
Gaudi Vergnügen
De hod Hoiz vor da Hüttn Die hat eine große Oberweite
Schleich di Verschwinde!
Watschn / Fotzn / Schejn Ohrfeige
Dangschee Vielen Dank
Servus / Pfiat di / Pfiat eich Auf Wiedersehen
AOB: the analysis of the blog's short stats reveals that an often used keyword was the expression "en attendant godot". Is it THAT serious? Oh my... :-) "Nakumatt" of course still beats everything else out there. Or in other words: Dear Kenyan bloggers - in need of some more traffic on your blog? Blog about Nakuru Mattress more often and the stats will make you jump. Now someone go and tell Google AdWords about that :-)