How I track airplanes using a RaspberryPi and a DVB-T stick via #PiAware

Back in the early 1990s, picking someone up from Nairobi JKIAirport sometimes also included tuning into 119.700 MHz on the beloved Standard C168. A VHF radio, tuned to the frequency of Nairobi approach that tells you whether the expected plane would be landing soon. Unable to understand any aircraft radio communication back in the days, I never really had a benefit from this service, even though it was still cool.

Flightradar24-AugRealThe view from my balcony via Flightradar24 (pro) on my iPhone 4S.

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fake 12W Apple A1401 charger

I recently bought a 12W charger for my iPad mini which was said to be an “Original Apple” product. Being the nerd I am, I had to take a closer look on this item upon arrival and quickly realized that it is well made, but unfortunately FAKE charger. Well made, as it comes with a nice print and metal connector.

After posting this on Instagram and adding some notes, I realized that I should instead turn this into a blogpost as it may be useful to someone out there:

fake Apple A1401 charger

  • The font is a bit too bold.
  • Apple nerds will notice the even spacing between “Designed by Apple in California” and “Assembled in China” as well as between “A1401” and “TM and ©” and “2012 Apple Inc.”.
  • “For use with information technologie equipment.” (technology)
  • “materiel” instead of “matériel”
  • The (measured) output is just 5V/0.8A.
  • The plastics have a very similar glossiness to the original, but you will still note some bad quality issues here and there. Like the cover on the USB port as pictured below or the uneven gaps between the two plastic covers.
  • There is a serial number inside the USB port, but the port itself is of low quality (the plastic tongue inside is poorly shaped).

fake Apple A1401 charger

fake Apple A1401 charger

As someone who used to sell polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) for a French mineral oil company some years ago, the plastics often are the biggest hints why something is of lower quality and probably fake. For a device that can not be opened and thus requires the user’s trust (that the inside PCB / circuit is of higher quality), the external appearance often is the only criterion we can rely on.

And as someone on Instagram also noted: the only method of buying chargers these days is going for 2nd hand gear that is proven to be original. THIS very auction, however, was one of those “let me buy a used item via eBay to make sure it’s original”-approaches, but which also failed.

Webkamera schützen

Aus gar nicht so aktuellem Anlass, aber für viele muss das Fass ja wohl erst umkippen damit die Füße nass werden: die Webcams meiner Geräte schütze ich jetzt schon seit einer gefühlten Ewigkeit mit Schiebeschaltern. Erst waren das reine Papierschieber, jetzt sind es kommerzielle Lösungen aus ca. 1mm dickem Kunststoff, die etwas besser sind. Die Papierschieber haben den Vorteil, dass sie sehr dünn sind und bei Geräten mit wenig Spielraum am Display nicht weiter auftragen. Toll sind natürlich Laptops, an denen die Schiebeschalter schon integriert sind. Das ist aber (noch) eher die Ausnahme als die Regel.

Webcam Schiebeschalter

Je nach Kamera- bzw. Linsengröße eignen sich unterschiedlich große Schieber. Die Preise bewegen sich so zwischen 2 und 10 EUR, je nach Bezugsquelle und Händler. Derzeit wohl auch weniger – mein letzter Kauf liegt schon mindestens ein Jahr zurück. Und obwohl Deutschland bei dem Thema sicherlich besonders aufmerksam ist, gibt es bei ebay.COM derzeit noch mehr Auswahl als bei ebay.DE. Bei den üblichen Direkthändlern aus China (,, usw.) habe ich die Cover noch nicht entdecken können. Eigentlich wären Webcam Cover die idealen Konferenz-Goodies (“swag”) – mit Logoaufdruck des Sponsors usw..

Bei eBay gibt es auch webcam cover aus (ferro)magnetischen Materialien, bei denen eine Scheibe auf einen Ring gelegt wird. Das hatte ich mir als Vorlage für die Absicherung der etwas größeren Logitech Webcam genommen. Mit Magnet(klebe)band kann man ganz nette Dinge produzieren. Zur Befestigung eignet sich das ca. 2mm breite Doppelklebeband von den Chinahändlern, welches auch gerne für Displayreparaturen verwendet wird.

Webcam cover

Aufgrund dieses Artikels bei habe ich mir jetzt auch noch unverbindlich die Aufkleber des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (sic!) bestellt, die dann an Freunde & Verwandte weitergereicht werden.

Aus meiner Sicht geht es beim ganzen Thema der Webcamspionage nicht um die technische Durchführung oder den tatsächlichen Missbrauch, sondern vor allem um die psychologische Seite: a) dass wir nicht die totale Kontrolle über unsere Geräte haben und b) dass wir hier als Verbraucher in einer Situation sind, in der wir uns proaktiv schützen müssen.

Das ist es auch, was mich am ganzen (Mega-)Überwachungsskandal am meisten ärgert: diese negative Seite, dass wir vollkommen ausgenommen werden und uns vor einer unbekannten Macht irgendwie schützen müssen. Dabei bieten große Datenmengen auch jede Menge positive Chancen – die aber bei all dem irgendwie komplett untergehen. Ich würde beispielsweise die Standortdaten von Mobilfunkgeräten noch viel mehr zur Verkehrsflusssteuerung nutzen wollen und sehe auch in manchen location based services eher eine Vor- als einen Nachteil. Leider ist das ganze Thema jetzt durch den Überwachungsskandal negativ behaftet und ich gehe davon aus, dass es die “guten” Firmen dadurch noch schwerer haben werden und die anderen ihren Missbrauch – ohne Regulierung – weiterbetreiben. Schöne neue Welt.

On Windows 8.x

There’s probably a bunch of things that could be said about Windows 8 or the upcoming update Windows 8.1 – but as someone who has only recently been required to use Windows 8 on his new laptop, let me just say these two things:

1. The User Interface
The Metro UI new Microsoft design language (i.e. the tiles and the fonts) instead of the start menu – this probably makes sense on tablet computers, but for most other requirements (i.e. corporate), most people just want to stick to what they already have and which works for them.
The first thing I did on my Win8 machine was to install Classic Shell to get the tradidtional start menu back. I did this – not because I disliked the new tiles design – but because I missed a quick overview on all installed apps. That is, I understand the need for a clean cut and appreciate all efforts on user interface improvements, but for my needs – and probably a lot of other users too who have a dedicated tablet with its own OS – the old style just worked. Why change this?

2. Passion, or the lack of it.
I believe that Microsoft could be a great company IF only it would be a bit more passionate about its products.
To me and my perception of what they do, there is a huge gap between MS Research (which is really cool!), some good software products they have bought in the past and since killed or reduced in functionality, their focus on low hanging fruits when it comes to corporate IT needs (which would include the HTML rendering within Office since 2007, which is horrible), their bureaucracy and also their marketing approaches which are nothing but a collection of embarrassing spots and moments. All of this could be so sexy and they both have the potential and market dominance, yet what we’re witnessing here is so below the optimum. Too sad.

For professional reasons, I’ll have to stick to using MS-Windows and MS-Office most of the time, but I so often wish they would just make a giant step forward and tackle some legacy issues and also focus on what really matters to most users. Obviously, this does not include being innovative or marketing innovative technologies, so they should instead stick to optimizing on what they’re good at.

Windows 8.1 may be a good and much needed update to a Vista-like image of the current version, but in the end it’s great software tools (which “just work”) that will deliver revenue, imo. It’s a bit irritating that we’re currently experiencing so many cool apps on mobile operating systems, yet when it comes to desktop requirements, it still feels that we’re still stuck in 1999. I wish there could be a smart and flexible OS for my desktop needs that runs just fine and delivers what I need. Windows, OSX and most Linux distros aren’t delivering it – yet.

Life’s too short for crap

I may be late to the party, but I just couldn’t resist and ordered an iPad 2 (16GB, 3G).

It’s a strange situation because I am already an Android user these days for the phone side and really appreciate the freedom (and costs!) that come with it despite Androids downsides (my main criticism is that there are no vouchers available for the Android app market as opposed to the iTunes store => +1.85% on each app purchase while using my EU credit card).

My beloved HP tc4400, the iPad2 on iOS5 and a FlyTouch 3 Android 2.2 tablet that still lacks a PDF reader because it’s already on auction. The FlyTouch btw also has a 1024×600 screen – as opposed to the other two that offer a 1024×768 screen resolution. Good for movies, bad for PDFs.

No, there’s much more to an iPad, obviously, and probably also more than enough reasons why over 29 million (!) iPads have already been sold till now. A “tablet revolution”? No, but a tablet revolution based on the iPad – that’s for sure.

I am used to buying second hand hardware and this time I am glad I had found a way to finance this purchase (via a mobile phone contract = subsidized hardware) and with the sudden loss of a dear family member earlier this year, I also realized that life is indeed too short for crappy products. Why should I waste time with stupid hardware if instead I can also go for the real thing?

This very emotional reason probably is the most honest excuse for this purchase, but you know what? Clicking that “buy” button felt damn good. Whatever they say about Apple products and their fanboyz – it’s true, it’s a *feel-good-world*.

So why should I still blog about this purchase if 29 million out there have already made this buying decision? Because I have a smart list that matters to me. Here’s my TOP5 reasons for the purchase:

After watching this documentary earlier last month about former Microsoft employees, it eventually occurred to me that most MS products just lack passion .

This is exactly what I like the most about these portable Apple products: a meticulous CEO that demoed his products and also looked at the smallest details.

Or Linux developers who create stuff out of passion. Not because they have to, but because they want to. That alone is a totally different approach and a sign of quality to me.

I am yet to see that on MS products. And I am a Win7 user most of the time, along with this crap called Outlook 2007 (HTML rendering, bollocks!).

And it’s not just the software you can buy. Just yesterday I read through this publication from Microsoft Research on the need for meta data to be implemented in future generations of filesystems. Very valid points and I understand that MS Resarch are doing good work, BUT! – again – the paper was much longer than necessary. So much blablabla and yet the important stuff could have been said on one single page. This out-of-focus-approach is so typical of MS, I think. As a customer and user of MS products, I don’t feel any passion in their products and meanwhile also believe that many lines of code on their OS & apps are just random data.

Hence: any company that shows a passion with their products is highly appreciated. A passion to deliver good quality.

I think the iPad is the best reading device. Why? Because I can not display most of my PDFs on a 7″ eInk display without constantly zooming in and out. So as long as eInk readers aren’t running a bit faster for this purpose, the iPad is the better alternative to me at the moment although I am sure we’ll soon see more 7″ devices.

The Amazon tablet(s) would have been an interesting alternative to me, but their 7″ Fire tablet isn’t even available here! In my opinion as a customer, if you can’t launch/ship global, then don’t even launch it for a single country. You can do that for Japan, maybe, but not for the US that are so connected with the rest of the world.

There are SO MANY apps available for the iPad. In fact, most publishing houses in Europe ONLY offer iPad apps for their print products. No Android app, only iOS. Sad, but still the bitter reality. Because I’d also be happy with a competitve (and available) Android tablet.

Talking of Android tablets, my friend Dave recently got an Asus eeePad Transformer TF101 and – as a pilot for an international airline – tried to pick the better alternative. Unfortunately, his tablet already broke after only two month and his biggest complain was the lousy App situation for Android Honeycomb (as compared to the iPad, of course, which is hard to beat). Dave – go and get your iPad. Now!

Adrian – I missed my chance to get an HP TouchPad for 99 EUR. I reckon that it would have been an interesting PDF reader and surfing device for me.

Battery runtime on the iPad is just totally crazy. It’s long enough to get me through a day at a BarCamp and that’s all that matters to me.

Also, 29 million customers enable a fabulous aftermarket. You’ll find plenty and cheap chargers as well as other accessorries on eBay, on FocalPrice and so on.

I remember when Eric told me about his daily trips to the office through Nairobi traffic and mentioned how the iPad actually is the solution to his mobile office.

Just look at how many of us laughed about the iPad and its limited capabilites back when the iPad1 was launched. And now we are even using it to have a mobile office and a quick device for that daily “lemme google that”-moment.

Sure, the iPad2 is heavy and we’ll probably all complain about the size once there are more 7″ readers/tablets, but after my previous experience with a 8.9″ and a 10.1″ netbook, I know for sure that 12″-14″ is the best laptop size for me and that this 10″ tablet does it for me atm.

HP tc4400 vs. Apple iPad 2
(the HP tc4400 tablet pc also serves as my backup machine)


I am not yet ready to fully convert to the Apple world (+ Ubuntu is cheaper anyways :-), but this lack of passion on MS products certainly is a very valid reason for me. It’s also kind of ironic that Bill Gates himself is very passionate about his philanthropic foundation for this passion has already enabled so much good work (the BMGF are imo doing a very good job by financing smaller projects). I wish some of this passion could also reflect back on Microsoft and that their future tablets with Windows 8+ will provide a suitable alternative. But atm, I highly doubt that.

Novag Robot Adversary chess computer

I was recently asked by a friend of mine if I and the folks behind our local DIY / maker initiative @makefurt could have a look into an older chess computer that would have some issues.

The owner – a former advertising designer here in Frankfurt who collects old movie posters and created this interesting website about it (in German) – came over today and brought this valuable robot to my place: the Novag Robot Adversary chess computer.

Novag Robot Adversary chess computer
The Novag Robot Adversary chess computer when it arrived…

A quick search on the interwebs reveals that “The Novag Robot Adversary is the most iconic of chess computers. Apparently 2000 were built but the failure rate was high and the vast majority of those sold have long since developed faults.” (src)

It’s a chess computer with a robotic arm that moves all chess pieces over a magnetic board, animating each move with an extra show. Hence it’s not just any other chess computer, but probably the coolest or most epic one out there.

According to this Wiki page, this machine cost about DM 3000 back in 1982 which is about EUR 1500 and is powered by a Z80 (CPU) from Zylog, running at 7.5 MHz, has 5 KB of RAM and a 32 KB ROM.

There’s a lot of information on this computer out there (including this Spiegel article from 1982, in German) but we’re yet to find a circuit diagram. Also, I am more the hardware guy so my first step was to completely disassemble it, clean everything (= removing nasty nicotine stains and glue from old gaffa tape) and check the wiring and the PCB for broken components:

Novag Robot Adversary chess computer
20 minutes later

Novag Robot Adversary chess computer

Novag Robot Adversary chess computer

Novag Robot Adversary chess computer

That yellow thing looks like a battery to me. Probably needs to be replaced…

Novag Robot Adversary chess computer

“Robot Adversary Main PCB” – old school! :-)

Novag Robot Adversary chess computer

The motor that turns the robotic arm. Kindly note some previous repairs (badly done, imo).

Novag Robot Adversary chess computer9

s/yellow nicotine stains/soap

Novag Robot Adversary chess computer

There are magnets for each position on this board (underneath).

Novag Robot Adversary chess computer

We do have an owner’s manual (in German). Circuit diagram is still missing though…

Novag Robot Adversary chess computer

I’ll have another look at the robotic arm now and will then try to reassemble everything in order to keep all parts in one place and where they should be.

If you’d like to help us fix it, please feel free joining us next weekend on October 30th, 2011 from 3-5pm at the Museum für Kommunikation here in Frankfurt. Or ping us anytime at // @makefurt. All are welcome!

Chrome flaps

On of Germany’s most popular tech bloggers (@Caschy) recently published a notice about Google Chrome 9 final on his blog – and attached the following Chrome logo to the news…

Google Chrome 9 final Portable Google Chrome 9

..which I’ve marked with red arrows, because I’d like to know from YOU, dear reader, if you know what these sort of landing gear flaps on the logo are all about (?).

Someone on Caschy’s blog suggested it is part of the Jefferies-tubes, someone else wrote they are flaps for a microphone and a camera.

Seriously, do you know why they’re part of the Chrome logo and what’s the story behind them?

I love my DE1103

Picture of Degen DE1103 world receiver

I’ve already mentioned the arrival of this sweet gadget on my posterous blog earlier this week, but I am so pleasantly surprised by the qualities of this world receiver that I decided to mention it on my main blog.

For technical details, pls see this full review or google for “Degen DE1103”. The Degen DE1103 is a Chinese world receiver that covers the 76.0 – 108.0 MHz range in FM and 100 – 29999 KHz in AM & SSB. It sells for about 50,- EUR including shipping, directly from eBay / China, and comes with a cord, a charger (!), rechargable batteries, headphones, an external wire antenna and a pouch.

I am a bit late to the party as this model has already been introduced in ~ 2005 and every serious SWL and radio ham probably already had his hands on the Degen – for comparison reasons or because they couldn’t resist the offer like me – but this little DX goddess beats my other receivers (Commtel COM610 and Sony ICF-7600 DA + some home built equipment) hands down.

If you are looking for a good & light radio receiver with SSB & a new FM station every 150-200 kHz (yes, it’s that good) – this is the one to buy. Seriously. Highly recommended.