I love my DE1103

Picture of Degen DE1103 world receiver

I’ve already mentioned the arrival of this sweet gadget on my posterous blog earlier this week, but I am so pleasantly surprised by the qualities of this world receiver that I decided to mention it on my main blog.

For technical details, pls see this full review or google for “Degen DE1103”. The Degen DE1103 is a Chinese world receiver that covers the 76.0 – 108.0 MHz range in FM and 100 – 29999 KHz in AM & SSB. It sells for about 50,- EUR including shipping, directly from eBay / China, and comes with a cord, a charger (!), rechargable batteries, headphones, an external wire antenna and a pouch.

I am a bit late to the party as this model has already been introduced in ~ 2005 and every serious SWL and radio ham probably already had his hands on the Degen – for comparison reasons or because they couldn’t resist the offer like me – but this little DX goddess beats my other receivers (Commtel COM610 and Sony ICF-7600 DA + some home built equipment) hands down.

If you are looking for a good & light radio receiver with SSB & a new FM station every 150-200 kHz (yes, it’s that good) – this is the one to buy. Seriously. Highly recommended.


….und nicht anders stellen sie sich bei payback also die Chinesen vor.

Ich behaupte an dieser Stelle einfach mal, dass heutige, europäische Verbraucher mit der Zeichnung im Screenshot eine Parallele zu ihrem Chinabild [Schiinahh, Kiinahh] erkennen – und es auch ganz wunderbar zu den bewegten Bildern im Poparchiv im McChopstick-Stil zuordnen können. Ist das jetzt gut oder schlecht?