me and polyphogamy

fonz.jpg Today it occurred to me that I will need to tell my esteemed readers something about my private life. You know, some of those juicy details that would never be glamourous enough to make it into high gloss magazines one would probably be reading at the favourite hairdressing salon.

Ndiyo, today I would like to tell you about my polyphogamy.

Being a very traditional person, I had managed to make some small deals here and there to eventually cough up enough dowry that would enable me to marry my loved ones.
Yes, plural.
I am a man with a big heart. Eh, how could I marry one woman only, if at the same time I can AFFORD even more? You see, I am a rich man with a biiiiig car and there’s always enough food at home. Besides, what is it that  women require? You will need to pay attention to them, care for them, play with them, give them lots of love and be a nice man all the time. You’ll need to be cool, but still lovely. If you follow those rules, there will be no trouble. Ha! That shouldn’t be too difficult…

Now, since I am just 29 years old and still need to earn more money, I’ve settled for only two women right now. As time goes by, there will surely be more women coming along. As a true Kiuk, I am naturally aiming at having nine plus one or maybe also eleven minus one women – all of which would have names like Wanjeri, Wanjiru, Wambui, Wangui, Wangechi…etc….Right now I am at numba one and two. Hey, and … well … you know …. a bit of cheating here and there..hmm? aahhh c’mon….you know, a man has his needs from time to time… And beware! — you know the traditions….if a woman decides to leave her husband, he has the right of claiming back all his dowry. Yeah. I am THE MAN.

My two beloved and honoured women at home are very different. As much as I like to have the big choice, I’ve managed to get a FAT one (Wanjeri) and a slim one (Wanjiru). Now, those ladies are already keeping me busy. Yes, they require a lot of energy from me and in the last 2-3 months I haven’t been at home that much, so I couldn’t play with them as much as I wanted to. But now I am back and…ohhhhh….I guess you know what that means? Yeah. As I said, I am THE MAN.
At home, that is.
I chose the FAT one because she produces a good sound when I play with her – you know all those aaaahhhs and ooohhhs. And the slim one? She’s not that active, rather passive. Needs a lot of energy to get goin’, but still, a wonderful slim figure and just the right body to suit my eyes. Both of them have a wonderful personality. Very tolerant, open-minded and somehow cosmopolitan. We get along quite well. I love them and they love me. I also love their voices – especially when they sing those lullabies to the child. The child? Yes, we do have a small son. We’ve given him the name "the baby" since we couldn’t find a better name. I already thought about calling him kîhîî but my andû-a-nja agreed that it wouldn’t be too smart to call him that way. Eh, we’re living by the rules of democracy at home. Well, at least I am still the man…

Oh! How could I be so rude! The Internet being a visual medium, I forgot about showing you some recent pictures of my loved ones. Sorry! Here they are: my beloved wifes and our son. Enjoy! :-)

(~speaking of gender-based issues – please make sure to check out this nice website I’ve just come accross)

Kiku’s Blogcasting Corporation (KBC)

canonxl2.jpg"So, tell us, how did you actually learn how to make those videos?" – "Well, I went to this website called and had a quick look at the VC2 survival guide, went to a shop, got a decent cam, a better mic, a tripod and a nice bag and …well, you know, I just let go, maaaan?!" – "Ah….is it that simple?" –
"Yeah of course, maaaan… I mean, look, many of us are of the so-called MTV generation and have been spoiled by sitcoms, so we kinda know what the viewers wanna see….you know?….we got the right timing it takes to make the point. …This is especially important if you just have 30 seconds for a spot. It’s all a matter of timing." – "Ah…and how did you promote your videos?" – "Simple. I started off with videoblogging in my blog and people would actually recommend to upload my stuff on So there I went, promoting my spots on the world wide web and only paying for my internet connection fees, no needs for an agent or somethin’…it’s so simple, I tell ya, you just get your gear together, point that damn cam at somethin’, edit the shots on your mac and upload them!" ——

 Fiction, dear readers, I am far far away from Vlogging or even making my own little film. Of course I wish to have some cash cow in my shamba that coughs up enough dough every morning, but till then, I’ll have to stick to my little Sanyo Xacti digicam and use it’s 30fps (at least!) movie function to produce short clips for this third-rated blog. One day.
In the meantime, I will enjoy good documentaries like the one on Wangari Maathai or another one on how to make fire in the wild (Kudos to afromusing for blogging about this the other day + Martin for giving me this nice hint!).

P.S.: And while you’re at it, please make sure not to miss out this video on a massacre which has taken place in Turbi/Marsabit. Or as MentalAcrobatics has put it the other day: "Show me; and I will remember."…

Aluta continua…

Irgendwie hat mir die Thematik keine Ruhe gelassen, zumal ich mich auch grad an diesem wunderbaren Punkt im Leben befinde, an dem ich mir die Freiheit rausnehmen möchte, meinen eigenen Weg zu gehen. Ich passe nicht in diese Leistungsgesellschaft, die so komplett an meinen Idealen vorbeilebt und ganz andere Dinge idealisiert, die mir höchst zuwider sind. Die Domain dieser Website heißt nicht ohne Grund Uhuru (=Freiheit), und wenn Ihr vielleicht glaubt, dass ich ein hoffnungsloser Idealist bin, dann ist mir das egal.

(mein neuer Beitrag für die Gegenaktion zur DBD-Kampagne auf Flickr)

Egal ist mir aber nicht, welche Rolle Deutschland im 21. Jahrhundert spielt, weil ich die Hälfte meines Lebens im Ausland aufgewachsen bin und mich langsam damit angefreundet habe, dass dieses Land doch ein Teil meiner Heimat ist. In der Politik wird ständig nur nach der Finanzierungsmöglichkeit gefragt, aber selten gibt es mal einen breiten Diskurs über die richtungsweisenden Dinge in der Gesellschaft. Eine Diskussion über die für dieses Land wichtigen Ziele, die uns als Gesellschaft von innen heraus stärker machen (~Bildungs-, Familien-, Umwelt- und Gesundheitspolitik) und Deutschland seinen Platz geben, den es schon so lange sucht. Seinen Platz auf dieser Welt, in Europa, mit der ganzen Vergangenheit und einer friedlichen und innovativen Zukunft.  Ich bin für eine öko-effektive Politk, für ein Weiterkommen aller Interessengruppen, für eine breite Demokratie und für engagierte, aufrichtige, einander liebende Menschen in diesem Lande.
Mit meinem visuellen Beitrag zur DBD-Gegenkampagne möchte ich vor allem darauf hinweisen, dass wir in diesem Land durch eine bessere Fragestellung die Richtung ändern können, und nicht immer nur die Symptome bekämpfen dürfen. Wie wollen wir in Zukunft leben?


I was really wondering about blogging this, but here ya go:
A good friend of mine, Lady Kikuyumbuzi, had this crazy idea of climbing Mt.Kenya. Having a great ability to assert herself, she quickly persuaded some other volunteers (read: unaware interns) to accompany her on this quest of climbing the highest mountain in Kenya.


I never had any doubts that she’d do that one day when she told me, but, to be honest, I never really expected her to do it this early. She dropped me a few lines from Nairobi on saturday and wrote: “yeah, and btw, I’ll be climbing Mt.Kenya on Monday…..and there’s this other appointment I’m having like at the end of the week”. Yeah….
CAN YOU IMAGINE why I adore her that much?!


So I am sitting here in my warm and comfy room in Germany and thinking to myself: Well, I can’t be in Kenya right now due to other obligations, but my thoughts (and prayers!) are with her anyways so maybe….maybe I’ll just start another Google Earth session and have a closer look at the slopes of Mount Kenya. Maybe somewhere between Bwana Whispers shambas I’ll find a little Mzungugoat holding up a sign that says: “Hello Bw Kikuyumoja, me I am here. Sound and safe”.


I think it started way back in 1982 (?) after the AirForce coup when the Moi-regime banned all detailed maps of Kenya. Before, I was told, you could get the most detailed maps of Kenya (YES, those ones with contour lines!) and after that ….well, we apparently all know what those city maps of Nairobi looked like during the 1990s. They were just cut down to a minimum and rendered useless for real Safari needs…

Now, imagine this lack of proper maps and try to think of it in GoogleEarth. And it doesn’t even matter if you’re in Kenya or Germany – small Kijijis like Naro Moru or Suderburg (which is where I study – boys, this place is SO lost!) are not indicated on the map. In fact, those ignorants over at GoogleEarth HQ (a.k.a. apparently lost the key to the room that contains all those juicy, detailed maps that would show us our beloved Nairobi in its full beauty.

The Internet community though, being as resourceful as a kenyan fundi, quickly came up with a working solution. Why wait for more zoomable maps at higher resolutions if you can have real pictures taken at ground level and overlayered into GoogleEarth’s maps?! This useful Flickr plug-in for instance, which shows the closests 50 images posted on Flickr (based on your current viewing area). Of course it’s just a few pictures now, but as communities grow, more and more images on Flickr & other web resources will hopefully become connected to placemarks on GoogleEarth. This GoogleEarth Bubudiu isn’t just a great toy – it’s a new way of marketing locations. And Kenya being a preferred tourist location, why not promoting it through Google Earth? (Which of course reminds me of EduVision’s eSlates project at this point and adding a tourist functionality to the programme where they give out PDAs to tourists (with some futuristic “GoogleEarth for PDA” installed) and clickable maps…”Oh, yes, we’ve already marked our route on the PDA”. Or somethin’…)

Yani, this all goes to show that I might not be able to actually put my feet on the slopes at this very moment, but at least I can have a closer look upon the route Lady Kikuyumbuzi is taking and….I guess upon reading this blog entry once she returns, she’ll probably never talk to me again. Why? Well…remember Whisper’s wife Thatcher? Haia….go figure…