about that R.I.P. thing

I believe in Agape.

This week, one of my Twitter followers died way too early. It’s unknown why he died at such an early age in his late thirties, and the cause actually doesn’t really matter. What matters is that his voice will be missed among the many opinions out there. A qualified opinion that knew what The Net is all about.

Whenever I see people tweeting “R.I.P [$prominent person]”, I don’t take it as a standardised way of replying on a sudden or even expected death, but rather understand it that those who wish the “Rest In Peace” actually care about the dead person and his/her achievements.

The irony is that many letters of condolence regarding his death mentioned that they “had only known him online” – which really reminds me of my blogpost ex 2010 where I had asked about the real difference between these offline and online worlds. Obviously, there’s none in 2011 – because we value people by what they contribute and share with others. Offline or online.

When someone dies and leaves this world with a legacy of 400+ blog posts dedicated to the political strategy for the internet and explaining how it has meanwhile become part of our lives – well then I can only take my hat off to this guy and appreciate what he has left behind.

Activism really pays off. Have an opinion on something, contribute and share your thoughts. It’s all that matters.

Schulmahlzeiten für Kenia!

Grosse Spendenaktion bei Penny

“Sie kaufen, wir spenden!”

Der kenianische Präsident Mwai Kibaki hat ein höheres Jahresgehalt als z.B. Barack Obama, Angela Merkel oder auch Jacob Zuma.

Vom Premierminister und den vielen (nutzlosen, da inaktiven) Parlamentsabgeordneten und ihren Jahresgehältern ganz zu schweigen.

Deswegen brauchen wir Spenden (“Eine Schulmahzeit hat einen Wet von 20 Cent”) für die Schüler. Weil korrupte Politiker lieber Grundnahrungsmittel & Anbaufläche für einen Gewinn ins Ausland verkaufen und nachhaltige Landwirtschaft (mit allem was dazugehört) auch in Kenia immer noch ein Fremdwort ist.

“Also to be discussed will be the effect on food security of existing land tenure systems and lease/sale of agricultural land to foreign investors “It is hoped that the conference will lead to more informed discussions on food security concerns among important stakeholders, including national and regional parliaments, so that sustainable agricultural development is placed at the centre of investment decision making,” she said.” (Quelle)

GROSSE SPENDENAKTION! !!!1!11! (5 Tage lang)

Ich halte von dieser Aktion überhaupt nichts. Und: wieso gibt es so etwas nicht mal für die Kinderarmut in Deutschland?

(filed under: poverty porn, misguided & embarrassing activism, wrong dev aid policies, disgusting corporate social responsibility)