
Despite the fact that I am a lousy photographer and way too lazy to further edit my digital images on this old 19″ CRT monitor (which just comes with a horrible gamma value that can’t be adjusted no matter what I try on the Nvidia GFX settings), I just turned PRO on

Creative Zen Vision:M - the dongle

Aterere…The US-$ 24,95 for a 1 year pro account are a lot of money for someone who doesn’t have a regular income, on the other hand, though, I wanted to know what’s this all about and although my (public) collection on flickr only contains 116 images so far, I’ll definitely add much more content in future and – the reason – will be able to arrange / re-group the pictures into different categories. Nice :-)


I was taking down some pictures from the wall because I am planing to move out of this place a.s.a.p. and came across some pictures my sis had prepared for and presented to me as a collage some years ago. The initial plan was to stick them into my sketchbook(s), which is my very own way of personalizing memories…

Sooo…while going through these pictures, I found the following snapshot, taken in Waruku, Kangemi, Nairobi, Kenya:

Who’s this? :-)

And of course, being the caaariiaas (curious) mzungu freak, I googled for “Waruku Kangemi” and came accross this interesting & sad story, featuring the following picture of a very very good old friend of mine:

Mzee Stephen Kamau wa Gitau with his grandchildren.

You know, I thought he’s already dead. Now, since I know he’s still around, I shall try to visit him when I am back in EAK sometime in May ’06…. Ikinya r? m?k?r? r?kinyaga m?runa.



…the man was killed here before, by cutted with this pangas into pieces. I got the job because he was killed.

When I hear some robbery, I can just go sloooowly, now will be waiting becos what is needed: don’t shoot him if he is out of the fence. What is needed, you wait him enter in the fence, and then you can shoot him. Inside of the fence.

And if you are heeero, you can even leave him after getting in the fence, you can even leave him and then you wait till you know what he needs to do. Maybe to run with the car, or to take the tyre of the car, or to broke the door to find where’s the cash – then you caaan: shot him.

Therefore, you must be ready for fight.

There’s something to this man called Raphael, a man working as an askari (night guard) protecting the National Fishing Institute in Hubert Saupert’s award-winning documentary “Darwin’s nightmare” (as mentioned earlier), that still fascinates me. What exactly is it? His low and soft voice I’ve seen with so many other askaris before? I don’t know.
What I do know, though, is that this is the best documentary I’ve seen by far.


Simba mwenda kimya ndiye mla nyama.

Googleardhi, part 5

Having blogged about Google Earth before here, here, here and here, there’s something new to add, something we’ve all been waiting for: new maps!
I don’t know if all these maps are THAT new – but they are more detailed at least.
I read a story on a german IT website about GoogleEarth doing this for Germany, and so I thought I better check Kenya as well. Et voilà, our new Nairobi map:
Cool! (dito Eldoret Airport, Kisumu, Mombasa Airport (MIA), etc. :-))

As for Germany, some maps improved, some were edited or even worsened while others are just horribly detailed.

That red object is my ‘89 VW Golf II in front of the house….go figure…


fumbo bumani


Curiousity had kept me busy, wondering what’s in that Tower at Parliament Buildings in Nairobi, Kenya.

Possible answers to this serious question – which could have been an issue with Hon. Watchman – included "toilets, a secret golf range, city clerks peddaling on a bicycle that generates power for the installed clock, a Star Gate entry where the outside is all narrow but you have a whole real sized city inside" as well as the assumption that it only containes offices stuffed with paper. You know, all those files that had gone missing over at Nyayo House eventually had to be placed somewhere, kwasababu: the Kenyan bureaucrazy might depend on something also known as "Bubudiu", however, nothing is really lost. I am sure they still have those files labeled T.Mboya, J.M.Kariuki, J.Ward, J.Kaiser somewhere deep down in that pile of papers, as well as the names of thousand others that have ….well, bubudiued their way into contemporary Kenyan history.

Ory’s posting on "unveiling the mysteries of the Kenyan Parliament" today pointed me to the (old) website of the Kenyan Parliament – wapi we’ll find an unspectacular answer to the Tower Mystery:

The Tower
The Tower, from which an excellent panoramic view of Nairobi used to be seen, contains offices, archives, water tank and clock. The height of the top of Lantern frame is one hundred and fifty feet from the ground, while the view-point is one hundred and twenty-four feet. (source)

Majumba makubwa husitiri mambo.

AOB:Photographs of East African Cities & Towns :-)

trouvaille mzungu

While going through my archived bookmarks, searching for this link (in response to this entry :-), I came across some really old stuff that needs to be blogged & added to


East Africa 50 years ago (1952-62)

…as well as this interesting – yet commercial – movie & stills archive:


“President Kenyatta opens Kenya’s new parliament in Nairobi”

Now, what’s in that tower again?