some luxury


Lindt easter bunnies made of chocolate and already on sale although it’s still some weeks till Easter.

They btw started selling Xmas cookies as early as September last year.



Leek Flower Paste. I still haven’t figured how to use this on food (@KPT – weißt Du es?) but it was really cheap so I HAD to buy it. Looks interesting.


Daifuku Mochi. I love these little sticky rice cakes and so often forget about buying them when buying food @ the Asian supermarket. The ones pictured were a little bit salty though – coming from Korea…


Sushi rolls for a hefty price in Frankfurt downtown. I love Japanese food but not when it’s that expensive + most of these rolls are filled with vegetable and other special combinations for the European market.


This new mall opened in Frankfurt downtown – the picture above is from Thursday last week when it opened. People stormed it until late in the evening like there’s no tomorrow. I haven’t been inside yet because – after all – it’s just another mall. Tapio was there and did a video on it.

Very interesting architecture. It’s also very impressive to see what modern reinforced concrete construction is capable of – such thin walls and floors, statically interesting (for an engineer, at least).