je chanterai pour toi

It’s one of those things I’ve been dying to tell you about … and now I am here in front of my computer and I don’t know how to start…

Well, I think it took me 10 years to understand the meaning of Kar Kar in Boubacar “Kar Kar” Traoré‘s name. KarKar is said to be a Bam(b)ara expression for someone who “goes in between” (to dribble @playing soccer), as it is explained in the beginning of this very fine DVD I eventually received yesterday. Eventually, because in 2003, I discovered that there’s a new documentary called “je chanterai pour toi” (I sing for you) by Jacques Sarasin about Boubacar Traoréle grand magicien du blues malienne, this great musician from Mali who happened to be touring the African continent way back in 1995 – sponsored by the Alliance Francaise (~French Cultural Centre). It took them two years to release it as a DVD and so now I am the proud owner of my very first DVD (yes!! :-)). In fact, the man has been in good old Nairobi in 1995 and that’s when & where I got my first tape of this lovely music. I kept on listening to this tape for hours and days and weeks and months and about a year after that, I got my hands on KarKar’s only available CD “sa golo”. That was in the end of 1996. Later on, the passionate collector in me came across the rest of Boubacar’s discography (+ concerts) and so when I first read about this movie, I was very excited. I *needed* it desperately.


Le monde est fait pour qu’on s’aime.

KarKar is a man of faith. He isn’t directly interviewed, instead, his friends talk about him and describe his biography. They tell us about his lovely wife Pierette who has died and to whom he sings his sweetest songs. They tell us about Mali’s independence and Boubacar’s role in it – his tune “Mali twist” which used to be a great hit on Mali’s Radio. And they also show us what Boubcar KarKar Traoré’s music is all about: love.

It takes a lot of love and passion for a man that doesn’t come from a Griot background to compose and sing such fine tunes. Of course those pentatonic tunes do have a strong historical background – or as friend of mine (from Mali) once told me: “KarKar uses those old melodies that are believed to be our national heritage. He has given them a new meaning”. Think of Ayub Ogada from Kenya (playing his nyatiti) and you have the picture.

When I first checked the Internet about anything on “Boubacar Traoré” way back in 1996, there were only a handful (3-5) sites covering his name. And now the inet is full of interesting information and music, so if this has attracted you to listen into some fine sort-of-blues-music from Mali, and in case you’re still unfamiliar with names like Ali Farka Touré, Rokia Traoré or Amadou et Mariam (to name just a few popular), go and get it!

There are some musicians that put a lot of energy into their music, something you feel, something that really touches you the moment you hear it. For me, Boubacar “KarKar” Traoré is one of those magicians…

the average taste in music?

radiokl.jpg Music is life. Music takes a BIG part in my life. I love it. I couldn’t live without it. It’s not that I need this or that particularrrrr ngoma all the time, but still, I wouldn’t be able to stand the average mainstream music crap they are playing on the radio. As for Germany – all big stations have somehow adopted this "the best of yesterday, today and tomorrow" (sic!) slogan which equals, well, bullshit. It all ends up in a huge crappy mix of stuff that I don’t want to listen to.
(yes, I am VERY picky on that, sorry…)

Since most commercial radio stations play the average doobidooblabla, some people out there tune into internet radio stations, make their own radio programme of even just listen to their mp3s on mobile players. As for me – my taste in music is so diverse, I couldn’t even describe it. It somehow ranges from house to folk, from indy rock to Soukous, from Punk, Rock and Blues to HipHop, Reggae and Classical music. Even those Mashuptunes. Anything is welcome as long as it sounds good and isn’t too commercially exploited.

The other day while surfing on some blogs, I figured that some had this Button on their sites. Last.FM is similar to – you type in the name of a band, artist or song you like and the machine behind that website instantly plays a song by that band and others that (are supposed to) sound similar.
Now, with this last.FM website, there’s another bonus: a plugin called Audioscrobbler. This little plugin sends the ID3 tag information (metadata) of your mp3 files to this last.FM website (last.FM & Audioscrobbler merged in August ’05) and generates a statistic of your very own music profile – based on what you’ve been listening to on your computer. I had actually downloaded an older version of Audioscobbler on October 1st in 2004 but till today(!), I have always remained very sceptical about a plugin that finds its way into my beloved Winamp player (iTunes? No!) and sends out private data to a website? Wooiii?? Who on earth would be interested to know what Mr Kikuyumoja is listening to on his computer?
Questions. No answers. Only other websites featuring this peculiarrrr plugin. Hmm. Shall I give it a try? Yes. I did. Today.


Now what’s this screenshot doing here?? ….it shows the official charts as played by users on last.FM. Hey hey hey – what’s that supposed to mean now? This Postal Service, Coldplay, DCFC, FF, The Killers, BlogggggParty – do we consider this mainstream music? NO! But those are the most played artists by users around the globe! Wooii???! How come our radio stations are torturing us with mainstream **** and on the other hand the unofficial charts as represented by listeners around the world are from the indy or punk rock genre? Isn’t it that most radio stations do have internet access – so they could just easily access such charts to eventually adjust their playlists and play what the majority wants to hear? Is it just this country? Questions. No answers.

The good side of it: most listeners on last.FM are just as picky as I am. Nice :-)


The blogosphere, it seems, is a net of links that link to each other. Sometimes there isn’t much text to add to an existing entry, as it might have been mentioned elsewhere. My blog being an instrument of (for?) my thoughts is written in English and German – whereby I try to use the language according to my targeted audience. This being said, I have to tell you about this very exotic cigarette advertisement I’ve just come accross in a german blog. In fact, Riemer commented on my blog today and while going through his blog, I found this nini and another blog where he got it from…ayaaa! Confusing? Pole.


Now, this surely isn’t about promoting cigarettes and I guess we all know about their insalubrious (wth?) effect on health (and hey, I AM a smoker and currently trying to get rid of this nasty habit – having started with brands like Rooster (!), Sportsman and Embassy Mild ~15 years ago…). This short 4 MB mpg spot is about a man enjoying his sigara and beating up 3 Kîrîmus. It’s just plain fun and in great 1970’s Blaxploitation style.

If you like those Shaft movies, don’t miss out on this one. And, while writing these words, I just can’t hide my burning affection for THIS fantastic music compilation created by a man (of my age) called Duncan Brooker a few years ago. He literally went through ALL those little music shops in Nairobi & Mombasa (while working as a runner for Mohammed Amin back in those days) and collected thousands (!) of plates (=records) from the most forgotten musical history of East Africa. He even tracked down the then famous Steele Beauttah of MATATA (as pictured below on the cover)!


Ndiyo. Please correct me if I am wrong on this one, but I think Kenyans don’t really appreciate their cultural heritage (and yes, they have lots of memorable stuff, not only heroes like D.Kimathi or intellectual jewels like the late Wahome “Whispers” Mutahi) for they MIGHT (???) think it won’t get them anywhere. Also, you might call me an idealistic mzungu, but if I’d have enough pesa for just doing what I’d love to do, then I’d go and visit those KBC/VOK archives and try to preserve their old recordings (obtaining a LICENCE for doing so with some office desk employee at a Ministry first of all :-). Or, as Duncan Brooker put it: “If I didn’t save this music no one else would“.
(I got my copy of Afro Rock via Ebay as they didn’t have it on any longer, but over in the U.S. they still seem to have some copies in stock.)

p.s.: “The Legends of Afrobeat“… :-)


So liebe Leute, hier jetzt mal ein weitergeleiteter request von unserem rafiki Jahcoustix zu den Wahlen der German Reggae Awards:

Greetings liebe Leute
Am 19.dezember finden in Hamburg die ersten GERMAN REGGAE AWARDS statt. In der Kategorie "Beste Deutsche Reggae Sänger" wurde Jahcoustix für den Reggae Grammy nominiert. Das freut uns natürlich sehr, jetzt brauchen wir nur noch Eure Stimme. Unter  könnt ihr in der Kategorie 1 für Jahcoustix voten.
Vielen Dank für Euren support,
Jahcoustix & Dubios Neighbourhood

Es ist zwar alles nicht so 100% meine Musikrichtung, aber da ich weiß, was sich für ein leidenschaftlicher Musiker und lieber Mensch hinter Jahcoustix verbirgt, möchte ich das an dieser Stelle gerne promoten. Viel Erfolg!

Freiburg 1:0

Nein, nicht die Toccos, sondern die Ultra-Dandos, eine Evan Dando Fanwebsite based in FR. Evan Dando? Jawohl, der immerzubekiffte Romantiker aus den 90ern, der mit ein paar Jungs in den späten 80ern in Boston, USA eine Punkrockcombo namens The Whelps/Lemonheads ins Leben rief, die dann später in den 90ern leicht ins Poplager abrutschte aber für mich immer noch als Vorbild für Weezer & Co. den College-Rock darstellt (oder wie ihr da draußen das auch immer einordnen würdet – habs nicht so mit den Kategorien). Jedenfalls: sehr schöne Musik, vieles zum Nachspielen bestens geeignet, bin seit ca. 1993 Fan und eigentlich immer wieder auf der Suche nach ähnlichen Bands, wobei in den letzten Jahren im Indierock/popbereich ja einige gute Bands kamen.

Dieser Evan Dando also, der sich 1996 bekifft von Toby bei Alternative Nation interviewen ließ und dabei sein Kaugummi auf seinem t-shirt zwischenparkte um besser sprechen zu können, plant laut der FR-Quelle oben ein neues Album. Näheres steht weder dort noch woanders, jedoch scheint sich da doch bald was anzubahnen, zumal das letzte Album von 1996 ist.

So müssen jetzt erstmal die beiden neuen Alben von Death Cab For Cutie ("Plans") und vor allem Nada Surf ("The Weigth Is A Gift") herhalten, von denen Nada Surf jetzt die letzten Tage schon seit der VÖ am 05.09.05 bei mir auf heavy rotation liefen.
Bei all den ganzen Indierrocksachen, die ich mir in den letzten Jahren organisiert habe, ist selten mal eine Band dabei gewesen, bei denen die Musik für sich so alleine stehen kann. Und für Evans songs muss man kein lineup von zig Amps und Effekgeräten auffahren, sondern kann sich fast ähnlich wie ein Jack Johnson einfach mit einer Gitarre ans Meer setzen und losspielen. Dito: Eskobar, Mazzy Star/Opal, Mojave3, Nick Drake…

Musik. Mein Lieblingsthema. Seltsam, dass ich hier bisher noch gar nicht darüber geschrieben habe. Bin übrigens immer offen für neue tunes – Indie, Rock, World.. – you name it.

Was ich jedoch nicht ganz verstehe: wieso kann ich mir die unwichtigsten Details von irgendwelchen Bands merken, für die Bernoulli-Gleichung aber muss ich jedes Mal nachschlagen?