Aterere….how long will it take until we’ll see the name "MARGARYAN" written all over a Matatu? Margaryan – as a new synonym for "luxury"?
Bling bling bling…. :-)
funny :-)
attn: single & frustrated female friends of mine
(i know you’re reading this :-)
A geek for a boyfriend isn’t a bad idea
"There’s a whole bunch of really nice guys out there you may not have even considered yet. Men of substance, intelligence and stability – geeks! (…)
And they’re useful. They can fix things. In this techie world, it’s great to have a boyfriend who can make just about anything electrical behave itself. And geeks always call you when they say they will – now isn’t that something!"
(source: Lifestyle Magazine, Sunday Nation)
P.S.: "Watch for guys wearing T-shirts with software logos."
Eehh…I’ve been tagged by Irena, so here ya’ go:
1. Favourite Kenyan Food
– Mandaazi with Cardamon
– Githeri
2. Favourite Kenyan Drink
– Stoney / Tangawizi (Kenyan?)
– Tusker (of course)
3. Favourite Kenyan TV Programme
Those charming ladies over at KBC are just perfect :-)
4. Top 3 Kenyan Hangouts
Any kantini with reasonable prices, nyama choma, cold beer and good music. Think global, drink local. And when I say ANY, i mean ANY! The whole range…though….I think I feel more comfortable with those joints that are somewhere deep down in a kijiji. I hate those spoiled places in Westlands & downtown where you only find Children of the BlueBandGeneration showing off…
5. Top Holiday Kenyan Destination
– Takawiri Island
– alone/with friends on Safari somewhere
– Coast: Tiwi Beach
6. 3 Kenyan phrases you use a lot (ati, nini, nani and bilaz DO NOT count)!
– aterere…
– eeehh…
– ama?…
7. Three things about Kenya/Kenyans that make you go ‘hmmm’
– many ppl are waiting for something to happen, ignoring the fact that they themselves have to start first.
– the "learn & repeat" educational system that offers no chances for creative students (remember this guy from Western Kenya who wanted to build his own "aeroplani"? Crazy dude, but brilliant thinking. I like that).
– class thinking: "I am a driver, I do not work in the kitchen or the garden." Irene says that’s the Colonial heritage….
8. Three things non-Kenyans say about Kenya/Kenyans that make you go ‘hmmm’
– why are there so many ppl on the streets?
– why do Kenyan men hold hands when they like each other? are they gay or somethin’?
– what’s that small footpath next to any street? don’t they have sidewalks?
9. Three things about Kenya/Kenyans which non-Kenyans ought to know
– Kenya is a beautiful country with very intelligent, capable, interested and friendly people.
– Kenya is more than what tourists get to see like the National Parks, the Coast, etc. It’s the whole picture with all those happy people that might suffer from something but still have the inner happiness to enjoy life the way it comes.
– the history of the country / area did not start with colonial rule…
10. Complete this sentence: I am Kenyan because……
…because it is part of my world – Kiku’s realm. :-)
And finally – list 3 members (of the Kenyan Blog Ring) you would like to see complete this quiz
(since Lady Mbuzimoja doesn’t have her own blog as of yet, I am expecting her answer in the comments section OR alternatively as a private email….honey, now you’re in for it :-)
Two friends of mine recently told me on different occasions that german tourists in the US could be easily identified on their EASTPAK® backpacks. They also told me they dislike EASTPAK® stuff for that particular reason.
Ati?? Me I don’t want to look like a tourist!! Kûrita nî kûru….I had to do something with that EASTPAK® label on my messenger bag:
I wonder if there’s any difference on that tourist image now….
In der deutschen Blogosphäre zwar schon gelegentlich erwähnt, aber dennoch ein heißer Tip Tipp für SchülerInnen und StudentInnen – gerade in Hinblick auf die kommende Klausurenzeit:
Die Kunst des Spickens – ein interessanter, nett gemachter Kurzfilm aus 2004 zum freien Download (95 MB) mit vielen wertvollen TipsTipps für eine entspannte Lernphase.
Bitte hinten anstellen, “ich bin die Nr. 1”.
Sagt zumindest Westfalia, der Werkzeugversandhandel, und schickt mir das folgende Bild als Aufkleber..
…fürs Auto, den Campingwagen aber auch Türen, Kühlschränke, Fliesen…
..zusammen mit einer Westfalia®-Nr.1-Kunden-Karte, die mich ein wenig an die ADAC Clubmitgliedskarten erinnert:
Wie cheffig. Schade nur, dass ich gar kein passendes Portemonaie besitze, in dem die Kartenvielfalt der Kundenbindungsprogramme so richtig zur Geltung kommt. Ebenso frage ich mich natürlich auch, was ich mit diesem Aufkleber machen soll: a) aufs Auto kleben?, b) bei Ebay versteigern oder c) in meine sinnlose-Aufkleber-Sammlung stecken und auf bessere Zeiten hoffen?
Aber mal ernsthaft, letztens gab es bei Westfalia diese Kunststoff-Werkzeugkoffer in verschiedenen Größen. Für 9,99 EUR nen 3-teiliges Set! Ebenso das 100tlg. Antirutsch Allzweck / Spez(z)ial Bitset für schlappe 7,49 EUR. Wer kann da schon nein sagen, eh?
@Mzeecedric: hast Du nen Plan, wieso mir WP 2.0 plötzlich Thumbnails für die Bilder erstellt?