I am currently in the process of changing my WordPress template, so if things do not look the way they are supposed to be – please stay tuned for an update.
Although I am sure I will just spend 2-3 hours searching for a modifyabool template, only to realize later on that it isn’t compatible to (the biggest nightmare) MSIE 6.x and/or give up after some time as none of them will be convincing enough.
I’d like to have a simple template with lots of whitespace, some neat gimmicks and a clear structure that will enable a comprehensive navigation and provide some space for individual banners and my ever exploding linklist / blogroll /eChakula thingy…another font would also be nice and some more pixel design. Also, it needs to load a bit faster. Actually, loading time is the biggest issue. Hence the need for whitespace & a clean structure.
EDIT: ….the iPhone! Mzeecedric just informed me about the maximum width for an iPhone screen. Hellooohoo?!
An WordPress Vorlagen herumfrickeln bis sie wenigstens halbwegs gut aussehen dauert wirklich unheimlich lange – vor allem wenn man es nur alle drei Jahre macht und sich dann durch das Stylesheet kämpfen muss – welches selbstverständlich überall unterschiedlich aufgebaut ist.
EDIT2: OK! CASE DISMISSED! Due to this which convinced me. And given that the current Sirius theme does provide all these requirements, why change? But I will sure continue searching for another, better theme :-)
Try Grid Focus.
I will be moving to it soon for the zilizopendwa site: I have already started customization! You can find it here.
Steve, I love you.
Woah! So nice.
Only have to find a way to enlarge the content area to 500px.
Nice theme Steve.
Finding a good new theme to customize is always a challenge. You probably have all the same bookmarks as me, but try looking up my “wordpress” tag on Delicious.
If you ever decide you need a custom design, I’d recommend fellow African Mark Forrester from South Africa.
Erik, good idea with delicious. This is what happens when I’m busy promoting social bookmarking over Google to my colleagues – only to neglect that I can find much better results using deli & co.
Steve, I tried to adjust the GridFocus template, but it still looks very rough to me. Since the initial version didnt come with widgets, the css doesnt apply to my selfmade functions.php + widget extension. I managed to get my pref 500px width (for older entries) though without killing both siderbars…
You are talking to the wrong guy if you are concerned about aesthetics. Look at me, I am the guy who has had a php script error in my theme sidebar since 2 years ago and I could not be bothered to try and fix it …
I’ll tell you what, when you have good theme up and running, I will come over and take it ( all your host servers are belong to us ) …
ROFL! I’ve been wondering about that error but rest assured – i will not ask any further questions ;-)
Ok then themes: try my current one. It is rather old (from 2006) but comes with some features like the Ozo based backend (= more customization) and space for adds in between posts.
I decided to stick to it after reading this: http://informationarchitects.jp/100E2R/