Just the other day I had my mum on the phone and wanted to tell her about this awesome “Je chanterai pour toi” DVD I got when she told me: “yes, my dear, I already read it in your blog.” (ati ?!)
My mum is cool.
(hi mum! :-)
Sooooooooo………………. I figured, even if this blog just represents a tiny fraction of who I am and what I would like to share with YOU out there, I will not hesitate a second to volunteer, to sacrifice myself for your ultimate LMAO experience:
1993 1998
2004 2005
Facing Reality, that is.
1993: that pic is from my Kenyan driving licence (‘over 18’)
1998: that pic is from when yours truly was doing it the corporate world way
2004: that pic is from when I realized that shorter hair is better for working on a sewage treatment plant
2005: that pic is from TODAY!
JKE – I dont know what to say! Yes, you are a good looking kijana but not what I expected :)
Oh :), thank you!! I know you were most probably expecting something like this…ama?
Like your quick response to Mshairi. I did not know how to comment on the looks. I expected something a little the above
Yeah, guess so ;-) Anyways, now it’s YOUR turn…hehe..
still the good ol’ JKE ,-)
Very cool photos you got there – oh and very brave of you too.
LOL at that flickr photo – very naughty of you :)
Welcome to the brave world of photos. Good to see another blogger not afraid to show his face . You have now set yourself up for stalking:-). Handsome young man I say:-)
What is your secret anti-aging elixier? I want it now!
is that a tusker poster behind you?
No way man, am not brave enough.
When did you walk at the sewage thingy?
Thank you all for your comments! I really appreciate :-) I put those pics of me here for different reasons, one being that I just thought it might be funny to see the change (if any) of looks over the years.
Another friend of mine pointed out to me that I hardly ever smile on pictures. You know, this COLGATE smile. Me, me I :-) am a serious man.
Uaridi, I did my internship on that sewage water treatment plant in the second half of 2004, which included cleaning those digestion tanks (~Biogas) and consequently resulted in myself being covered with OLD SHIT (rotted, though) so I had to take a shower at least 3x during those working shifts. Short hair adds up to the comfort.
Bwana 58, yes, same style since 1990.
Carina, thank you. In fact, there’s lots of grey hair.
Adrian, yes, that thing in the background is a TUSKER poster I got from (then) KBL Ltd. among other goddies. My posters include the following:
heh. Yes, a brave mzungu indeed. It looks like we’re the same age exactly if you were over 18 in 1993…
You’re aging well – like good wine (lol)!