
Probably like many others, I’ve been following the intense coverage of the current situation in Kenya through the media and especially the Kenyan Blogosphere online. Kudos to everyone within the blogosphere (bloggers & commentators) who contributed valuable news & information!

Ory of KenyanPundit already pointed out a few good things how we – those that are sitting in the save heavens during these days and watching the unfolding events with sadness – may be able to help and contribute our share, i.e. by documenting the events online with names of all the victims, buying airtime for our family & friends online or maybe also by pushing our local government to assist Kenya in finding a quick solution. While the latter one may not be possible, I’d still like to second her ideas on this and offer my help. For those of you who are able to read German, pls have a look at this interesting article on why Germany would have an interest in helping Kenya. I also heared that Germany’s foreign minister, Mr Frank-Walter Steinmeier, today talked to Raila A. Odinga.
I wonder how Germany may be able to assist Kenya on this? Maybe Daimler-Chrysler should build a remote control / backdoor access to their Mercedes cars so that whenever a president or government does something “undemocratical” (sic!), they can stall the entire car pool. Ha!

Besides all the pain and sadness of the recent developments, I am with Bankelele when he concludes that the Kenyan voters are the actual winners (despite the rigged tallying) as they turned out in record numbers. And I believe it’s these very same people who will make a difference for Kenya and show to the world that Kenya isn’t ruled by a handful of powerful people, some executive forces and rioting youth, but instead a strong electorate that knows how to do business, care for itself and those in need and thus also knows how to maintain peace in a multi-ethnic society.

In an attempt to do some bridge blogging, I will try to compile a short summary in German during the next few days pole, sina saa…, also because the German media has in the past few days reported about the riots under the usual Kikuyu vs. Luo label – something that has really put me off!

Author: jke

Hi, I am an engineer who freelances in water & sanitation-related IT projects at You'll also find me on Twitter @jke and Instagram.

5 thoughts on “ach…”

  1. Here’s a proposal.

    While the president, ODM, church leaders, press, and even Safaricom have appealed to be Kenyans to be calm and exercise restraint, it seems the message is not getting through (fast enough). I have a thought that this is because none of the people calling for peace seem genuine and perhaps the audience for whom it is rightly intended are not getting the message.

    But what if this appeal came from friends and family? I have friends and family in both camps but I am certain that I can speak to them the language of peace and they would listen.

    Whereas I believe the message should be personal and specific so as to be genuine I suggest the following template:

    “My dear friend/brother/sister. I hope that you and your family are safe and well. As your fellow Kenyan I am praying for peace and unity in our country and I ask you, your friends and your family to join me in this prayer. Together we can make peaceful change in our country. God bless Kenya. Please pass the prayer of peace to all that you can”

    This can be done by email, telephone call or sms. I believe if we reach out through our networks we can reach a large number of people in a short time, and we might play a real part in promoting peace.

    Any improvements to this message are welcome.

  2. I have just been reading the material online. There are many ways to describe the violence going on in Kenya, but we must be careful not to be insincere. On the ground, these are tribal clashes, and the toll is increasing. As of today, over 100,000 displaced persons, and some 70% of these in Rift Valley, Western and Nyanza province.

    Our political system as allowed ethinicity to be a strong basis of political following, and the manner of violence being witnessed is no different.Others may say different but a visit to the camps for dsiplaced persons in Eldoret, Nairobi, Kisumu, Kericho etc

  3. Two SMS I received today:

    “we’re safe. Family flew out of Eldoret last night with nothing but the clothes we had on plus our lives and health, the greatest gift on earth. Please keep praying. Things are terrible here”

    “We are here in Oyugis locked in the houses by police with guns. They have killed over ten people in Oyugis. People try to demonstrate. Shortage of food, airtime and price twice”

    It’s the wananchi who are suffering, irrespective of their ethnic origin.

  4. Everywhere seems to be reporting things under the Kikuyu versus Luo label. That sort of things seems to be what the media do. The next thing is to fix on who are the bad guys (like the Serbs), and report accordingly.

  5. I love kenya, there is nothing most important than a place you call home. As things are unfolding it is quiet vivid that the regular people are the once suffering in the mist of the mayhem. To my fellow kenyans lets pray for calm and normalsy to come to kenya. My atmost sympathy goes to the once that lost loved once. My fellow kenyans lets not victimise individuals because they practiced their democratic right to choose a leader of their conscience. Let the blame be put on the actual culprits. It is Kibaki and his stalwarts in state house that rigged kenyans of their will, their rights and certainly their freedom of expression or speech. While i will ask my fellow kenyans to refrain themselves in cheap politics of enthic divided and victimization; I will equivocally ask my fellow kenyans from the greater Mt. kenya area to voice out their opinions and their solidarity towards one kenya, one people and express their dissatisfaction with the broad daylight rigging of the 2007 election.Inspite of your political affiliation, I refused to believe that the electorates from Central Kenya are in support of the rigged election, but iam yet to see live demonstrations or rallys in Central kenya condeming the rigging of the election, distrust for kibaki as an individual.

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