What I like about Vienna (part1)

Two and a half days aren’t enough to explore the full potential of a city. That’s why I can only present a few snapshots this time. Besides, I am too tired for a decent post these days.

Have been working on another professional blog for a paid project (no URL, pole) the last couple of weeks and whenever I open my own blog, I think about a relaunch. After all, I am still using the same template since 2006!

I urgently need to get some sleep asap and refocus my agenda on other, much more important matters (like my thesis, for instance).

‘Nways, back to Vienna and some visuals:


What a roof!


THE best ticket machine I’ve seen in Europe so far. Took us less than 10 seconds to buy a ticket for the metro. See my ramblings on RMV/Frankfurt am Main to understand why this is so important to me.


Lovely street-art next to Hotel Orient.

No, don’t ask. Garen showed us that place…


Best ice-cream and Italian sweets in town. Even at 11 pm and when it’s like -7°C cold outside.

Oh, and they have good coffee.


Still need to figure out why they’ve put this number on all waste bins.

Interesting to compare German German with Austrian German.


I will actually go for almost any beer, but – just for the records – they also have Guiness.


Now this is very impressive. Even have a panorama shot of this somewhere (I still need to go through all of my snapshots and upload them on flickr).


The obligatory service for tourists. But a nice one indeed!


Compared to buildings from the past, modern architecture is as uninteresting as most modern cars that will break down after 100.000 kms.



Modern art + her.


Vienna Magic


The globe


One of those Friedensreich Hundertwasser buildings.

I grew up on his art – maybe everyone in Europe who is somehow interested in art did – and I really, really like it. Hundertwasser also published a manifest on dry toilets in 1975 which is just another cool reason to adore this great visionary artist and intellectual.

You won’t have to visit Vienna to see his work, but since he was born in Vienna, they have the best collection around.

I’d even go as far as saying that Hundertwasser is one of the few visionaries that put my vision of a better world in a clearer picture.


Foyer @ Wombat’s Base – a great, clean and cheap city hostel. I’d recommend this to anyone who’s still looking for good accomodation in Vienna.


“We’re sinking, we’re sinking….” – “Wot are you thinking about?



Ok – that’s about it for today. These 2 1/2 days weren’t enough and you can see by the pictures that we even didn’t have enough time to enjoy everything during daylight (due to AfrikaCamp, see previous post). Train ride from Frankfurt to Vienna is quite convenient though. Took us 7h – even the above mentioned hostel is next to the railway station. What a luxury!

Author: jke

Hi, I am an engineer who freelances in water & sanitation-related IT projects at Saniblog.org. You'll also find me on Twitter @jke and Instagram.

9 thoughts on “What I like about Vienna (part1)”

  1. nice post jürgen :-) I am tired of vienna, that’s why i work at the country side …

    @the ticket machines from wiener linien:

    we did a huge usability study back in 2004 and i turned out that there is room for a lot of improvements … like e.g. response time, product structure … have to dig out this papers …

    I like the ones in Berlin best; you can buy airtime at them :-)))

    cheers, martin

  2. Vienna seems like a beautiful city. I like the modern art and the “her = a.” in that big ol skull. Know what the skull symbolises or it is just there for admiration. I see you had a great time !

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