serikali ya Ujerumani + CO2 emissions

The German weekly magazine Der Spiegel today published an interesting list (compiled by Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V.) of cars driven on behalf of German Federal Ministers – indicating the consumption [in l / 100km] and the carbon dioxide emissions (original PDF, 0,2 MB).
The list isn’t complete as some Ministries refused to provide information on this (due to “security” reasons), but nevertheless – it shows that there’s still a lot of change needed to shift the issue of saving the environment from a pure discussion level to an action level.

On the other hand though, the best solution would be a no-emission-car or one whose emissions aren’t harmful to the environment (~ in a McDonough/Braungart/C2C-way). Well, dream on…

(+ compare this with the cars driven by GoK officials….*sigh*)

Author: jke

Hi, I am an engineer who freelances in water & sanitation-related IT projects at You'll also find me on Twitter @jke and Instagram.