
For those of you who are active in the field of development aid, here’s a fresh random list of German and English keywords as collected during a meeting today.
You may want to use these words for your next round of Bullshit Buzzword Bingo
(at least that’s what we are using them for… :-) :

“Mittelabfluss, offenkundig, capacity development, draft, TORs, group, literature, seemingly, trade-off, multidisziplinär, policy, PSIA, poverty, social, risks, feedback, Wirkungskette, Modul, Institutionen, Politik, process, international, consultants, indicators, benefits, potent, strategy, management, implementation, establishment, ministry, resources, kompensatorischer Kapitaltransfer, Transmissionskanäle, community self regulation, Implementierungskapazität, elite capture, Organisationsstruktur, best practise, community engagement, insights, follow-up, institutional constraints, bilateral, multilateral, sustainable, Direktleistung, lead donor, soft-issues, scaling up.”



Author: jke

Hi, I am an engineer who freelances in water & sanitation-related IT projects at You'll also find me on Twitter @jke and Instagram.

3 thoughts on “Implementierungskapazität!”

  1. Guilty as charged: I find that I use “trade-off, feedback, best practice, community engagement, insights, follow-up, and scaling up” on an almost daily basis.

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