the white toilet paper policy

To add a political side to this half German blog – considering that most German blogs are far far away from any political content – I could mention the recent…uhmm…let me call it “drama” where some German politicians actually tried to sue a few journalist on publishing a few confidential documents which were initially released by an inquiry board on a rather unimportant issue.

Unimportant, as the actual subject and content of the published material isn’t even mentioned these days. What matters is the assault on the free press, and how politicians are using the judiciary to silence a few unpleasant voices.*

Also, these politicians are the ones that send out experts to foreign countries to lecture about democracy. Yeah, right.

But I am not political. Instead, I will leave you with a memorable quote I found in an interesting paper that tries to implement a waste management concept on the United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON) compound (dated November 2004):

“As UNON policy permits the use of white toilet paper only, Multiple Wastepaper Collectors (MWC) purchases white toilet paper for UNON. However, the toilet paper provided by MWC is not sufficient to meet the needs of the UN compound, so UNON procures additional white toilet paper from Chandaria or Pegant.” (source)

(* = That’s what the press says. I guess it actually is the other way round, as these politicians tried to hide a few issues from the masses and wanted to detect the leakage by bullying the press in the first place. But then…what would the world be without some valuable whistleblowers? Also: a free press is the best indicator for a working system.)

Author: jke

Hi, I am an engineer who freelances in water & sanitation-related IT projects at You'll also find me on Twitter @jke and Instagram.

One thought on “the white toilet paper policy”

  1. What an intriguing world we live in! So what’s up next? The (yellowish) environment friendly toilet paper drama? I wonder what the Nigeriens would say, considering the fact that they don’t use any toilet paper at all. Which is good for the trees, but does cost you a hand though…

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