things I didn’t buy…


1. A rather arrogant bumper sticker with a message for the uncreative masses.


2. Came across this JoeDirt-styled shirt on a 2nd hand clothes market here in Embu. I didn’t buy it because it was a bit too short + unfortunately I have no muscles for showing off.
This shirt + a Kikoi + Bata sandoools, the keys to a worn out RangeRover and you’ll have the perfect KC look.


3. Yeah, right!


4. Now that’s for you, Twigamoja! :-)


5. So I went to this one particular shop in Nairobi where they sold “Jesus souvenirs” as I call them. I liked the idea of having a nice calendar for kids which gives some meaningful (!) inspirations.
But then I saw this “Judgment Day will come – why not make Jesus your advocate?” message sold on a bumper sticker. WTF? Awesome messages like this one just scare me away as I don’t believe in any Armageddon-based religion. How can they actually try to convince people of Jesus’ message (Love) if they are scaring ppl at the same time with out-dated, medieval auguries?


6. I didn’t have to buy this special fruit – I found it on my way to the office. I had never seen something like this before and was curious to see what it’s all about. This fruit goes by the name of Fenesi in Kiswahili, or Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) in English and is about the size of two footballs. I cut it apart to see what it looks like inside and this (unfortunately) unripe fruit looked very promising to me.

People often oil their hands with kerosene/parafin before preparing jackfruit, as the rest of the mass of the fruit is a loose white mass that bleeds a milky sticky sap, often used as glue. (source)

Glue? SuperGlue! Aaarrgghhhh…. ;-)

Author: jke

Hi, I am an engineer who freelances in water & sanitation-related IT projects at You'll also find me on Twitter @jke and Instagram.

5 thoughts on “things I didn’t buy…”

  1. Ati we have Jack fruit in kenya – saw it when i was living out of kenya and thought of it as something found over there, so thanks again for something else I have learnt about Kenya.

  2. Dude,

    Fire and brimstone stories aside, you know you need to take the whole story seriously. Don’t dismiss the religion because the people who practice it (me included!) are a little weird . . .

    Tell you what, how about I look for some non-persecution type books and send them to you?

    As a sidenote, I have never tried jackfruit. Get a ripe one and tell us what it is like.

    – Steve

  3. Steve, thx for the offer, I really appreciate.

    In fact, I don’t dismiss the religion as such, just this ideology that there’s a devil and that they are trying to convince people by telling them “you have to obey, otherwise…” etc..
    As for “growing to be like Jesus” – I like that very much and would like to see our children growing up with this message of love.

  4. I missed this part when I was very busy with my maisha ..”Came across this JoeDirt-styled shirt on a 2nd hand clothes market here in Embu. I didn’t buy it because it was a bit too short + unfortunately I have no muscles for showing off.”
    OMG you crack me up big time…LOL I better stop reading your blog after a glass of wine, kwa sababu, I find it hilarious but GOOD

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