
We went to Forodha Towers today and got our Kenyan Driving Licences renewed. Charges are Kshs. 500 /= for an annual renewal and 1250 /= for a triennial.
inside Forodha Towers…
the counters
a neat way to conceal non-working lifts, isn’t it?
Keeping in mind that we were there on Friday afternoon at 4 pm and remembering the times back in the days when such services were only offered at Nyayo House, the whole process was extremely fast and well organized.
I was told that a lot of offices are still vacant at Forodha Towers as a lot of institutions were transferred to (the overcrowded) Times Tower and are now slowly moved back to the old premises.On our way out, we came across the following view(s)


By the way…it takes more than 2 years (without KK) to get a certificate for tax exemption for an NGO (~ a charitable trust) from the Treasury. For each application!


the soil for (new) trees on Moi Avenue?

Apparently, this is what happens when huge multimedia screens (at Westlands old-Uchumi roundabout) have a date with the rain….

Nairobi, it seems, has become the city with the most billboards, advertisments and “buy two get one free”-styled promotions. No wonder people here tend to be so capitalistic these days…
=> I’d like to blog more often from here, but internet access is such a pain although I’m privileged enough to be using the DSL connection @ AEM (thx, Harry & Lelle!) which is just great! I guess I’ll need to get my hands on my own notebook soon (where i’ll be able to install my own email client) + urgently need to rethink my blogging strategy (~offline blogeditor or blogging via email).

Author: jke

Hi, I am an engineer who freelances in water & sanitation-related IT projects at You'll also find me on Twitter @jke and Instagram.

7 thoughts on “Forodha”

  1. nice pics. thanks for the skyline of nairobi. soil for the trees… in this rain?

  2. You must have a very good camera.

    If i see some dude taking snaps in Nairobi, i will definitely know its yah.

    The place looks dilapidated though

  3. Looks like the torrent rain was in the horizon and woii with that soil being deposited next to Kenchic I can only imagine the mess after the fact :-). But hey maybe the weather man didn’t forecast the weather properly and they can blame it all on him. I wonder, does Wandimi Mucemi still forecast the KBC station weather news?…. LOL

  4. hi juergen, back in home country?

    ich habe nu auch nen weblog auffer homepage, in welcher quali haust du die bilder in deinen blog, schreib mir mal an die oben genannte adresse, kannst auch in english.

    cu, armin

  5. This is to Irena,

    No I am no longer doing the weather on telly. I am now based in Geneva.

    Wandimi Muchemi

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