While surfing the net and distracting myself from work that urgently needs to be finished, I stumbled upon this useful information [via Gizmodo] [via lifehacker] on “how to get an upgrade to First Class“.

You know, a few more centimeters of leg-room are a whole world to someone who is 192 cm (6,3 ft) tall. Especially, since I realized that the assigned seats fall under the “be aware” category.
Here’s their advice:
Ask the ticket counter agent nicely.
Haiya you better follow advice if you flight to nyumbani is to be a comfy one. How many hrs to Nyumbani from Suderbaag?
if you get the upgrade to First Class, I wouldn’t mind taking your business class seat. But you knew that before anyway, right?
wherever you will seat: SAFE FLIGHT!
LOL, eh, hakuna First Class, only Business Class & some wooden seats in the back they consider “economy” class. What’s economical about them? For the customers or the airline?
I will pull out some Kenyan wisdom and argue that since I am on a business trip I will need to take my seat in Business Class. Ati, extra payment? No one told me…
Ati no one told you that due to economic constraints within the airlines industry, they cannot accomodate Supersize individuals = pay extra mbeca or ura kana umarwo:-) LOLS.. Have a non -economical flight , will you?
P.S Guess who?http://wanjiru.wordpress.com = I’M Back!!!
You know major airlines are in talks with Boeing & Airbus about one day MAYBE having standing-room only flights
ok, ok i take your economy class seat then
i don’t mind
did i tell you that once my flight was overbooked and i got a very nice seat in business class (dubai-düsseldof), I still have the toilet bag you are given full of usefull stuff like 4 types of lotion, mouth water, toothpaste, comb, tissue, eau de cologne,….
i went carrying it as proud as ever
These toilet bags make up for perfect pencil cases, especially those from Lufthansa from the 1990s.