what a waste!

Red Cross bubudius found on my table today…

Since I never (!) had any Malaria, I regularly donate blood with the Red Cross society. It’s in a good cause and there are those old Mamas in this kijiji here that serve good coffee and good food afterwards. Actually, I think I just go there because there’s this very old lady that always smiles and – currently living in a country with perfect infrastructure and a good quality of life – it’s still not so often that one meets smiling people (why???). My brother-in-law already hit me the other day, arguing that the German Red Cross (DRK) are thiefs since they are collecting all that blood and selling it for a lot of money. Whatever.
What I do not understand, though, are these littles cruxes they are giving away as a bonus on 5th, 7th and 10th donating event. I mean, wth? am I supposed to do with them? Put them on my jacket? Or sell them on eBay?? Hello???! Dumb!!
I can just imagine this little factory over in Shenzhen, China that produces these metal giveaways and the German Red Cross buys them at huge quantities. They’d be better off saving the money and donating it for a good cause. Like the way I do with my blood.
(but do I say?!)

Author: jke

Hi, I am an engineer who freelances in water & sanitation-related IT projects at Saniblog.org. You'll also find me on Twitter @jke and Instagram.

One thought on “what a waste!”

  1. Update:

    Ich hab dem DRK ne mail geschickt und das kam als Antwort:

    “…vielen Dank für Ihre mail und Ihren Kommentar zu den Blutspenderehrennadeln.
    Sicher kann man über den Wert einer solchen Auszeichnung, die es seit Bestehen der DRK-Blutspendedienste gibt, unterschiedlicher Meinung sein. Deshalb kann jeder für sich entscheiden, ob er die Ehrennadel entgegennimmt oder nicht.

    Wir haben Verständnis für jeden, der auf eine Blutspenderehrennadel verzichtet. Doch wir kennen auch viele Menschen, die sich über diese Art der Würdigung ihrer freiwilligen, unentgeltlichen Leistung freuen.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    DRK-Blutspendedienst NSTOB”

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