Kenya 2.0 logo mashup

A post over at Ory’s Realm inspired me to create the following mashup of logos as used by the registered (Kenyan) political parties for the upcoming elections. All logos were copied 1:1 from a publication available online (PDF, 1.6 MB) from the ECK website and the listing isn’t complete as not all parties published their logo in time.


different sizes available @ flickr

As with other smart online content, this mashup work (not the logos themselves) comes with a (CC) Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported licence, meaning you are free to share and remix it as long as you don’t use it for commercial purposes (as I am also not gaining anything by publishing this except maybe for visitors which results in Google AdSenSe increases, but that’s another story). THIS ALSO INCLUDES YOU, dear KenyaTimes ;-)

Seriously, it was great fun copying the logos into one big sheet and seeing how some are really well done while others are…well….judge for yourself.

Using logos instead of just names in a country where the illiteracy rate is still high enough makes sense. But then, also, the most important reason seems to be that there are so many parties with similar names and since most of us humans are visually orientated, I think it’s much easier this way.

p.s.: my favourite logo is the Kikombe one – such brilliant artistic skills! Oh, and btw: logo = symbol [sihm-booohlll]

Author: jke

Hi, I am an engineer who freelances in water & sanitation-related IT projects at You'll also find me on Twitter @jke and Instagram.

9 thoughts on “Kenya 2.0 logo mashup”

  1. What’s in numbers?
    According to these stats, the adult (over 15, can read and write) literacy rate between 2000-2004 was 78% for males and 70% for females. Oh and for SA it was 84 & 80.

    I personally don’t know which stats I am supposed to trust.

  2. Braady hell! Brilliant. Now I wonder how many people could match party to symbol. I will print it out and try it at home. The needle and the vunjas (police boots) are scary!

  3. very nice. speaking of symbol(ism), in certain ahh … subcultures, the syringe and razor could be taken to represent something else quite unintentional!

  4. All that’s missing is a hangman’s noose and the gates of hell. But seriously, I am alarmed by the syringe too…in what way is that a positive symbol? I think the gay umbrella is fabulous!

  5. Well well well hooks, scissors, combs, hammers….. really? Now I understand what an intelligent bunch we have in parliament eh??

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