my briefcase is bigger than yours

I had an urgent desire this morning to blog about something that would prolly come close to a *what-if-Raila-wins*-scenario, dealing with questions like “Who will organise the opposition then?”, “Who will organise the Intelligence Network?”, “How will Kenya benefit of such a situation”, etc. – but then I am not really the right person to blog about such questions and ask for answers.
So I took a quick glance at a well known internet forum specialized on Kenyan politics and realized – once again: Politics are a beautiful waste of time.
Besides, there’s no reasonable analysis possible if 99% of the stuff you get to read online is based on gossip and other propaganda. I sometimes even think it’s some kind of “judgement day” – the upcoming elections on December 27th – a day on which Kenyans want to settle a few very personal issues with this and that male or female politician.

Atiriiri…with all these questions in mind (and the more you think about it, the more stuff comes up), I can already picture myself being squeezed between two Nairobi characters: one from the Koigi/rural farmers section with huge hats & the obligatory pickup parked outside and maybe the other one a retired academic from channel ‘O’ who – both drunk – would yell some gibberish into my ears… OH! This reminds me of the Kenyan Bar I wanted to check out here in Frankfurt. Hmmm. :-)

So, instead of answering these difficult questions and joining other fellow Kenyans on these hectic days of election campaign debates and “breaking news: candidate abc is stepping down for xyz (and was given a lump sum of xx mill Kshs.)”, I will instead focus on much more important matters:


Seriously, have you ever noticed that many people with nice looking briefcases often have nothing else inside their luggage but only something like a newspaper or an apple?

On the other hand, though, those who are really in need of decent luggage and have to carry at least one laptop, 3kgs of paper and 2 books as well as other obscure office stuff for maybe a business trip often have the oldest, smallest, dirtiest and ugliest backpacks ever seen.

Dito shoes, suites, desktops.

Coming to think of it…politics aren’t that much different.

Author: jke

Hi, I am an engineer who freelances in water & sanitation-related IT projects at You'll also find me on Twitter @jke and Instagram.

One thought on “my briefcase is bigger than yours”

  1. “Seriously, have you ever noticed that many people with nice looking briefcases often have nothing else inside their luggage but only something like a newspaper or an apple?”
    I was trying hard to not deviate from your non political blog but that sentence caught my eye and I thought – well with a hummer, some coordinated attire , a foreign election strategist, now that sounds like THE briefcase often with nothing inside – Do I say ?:-)))))rofl

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