Tapas in Seville?

Flying from Frankfurt (Germany) to Jerez (Spain, ~ 2460km) is cheaper…


…than taking the train from Frankfurt to Bremen (Germany, ~440km).


In other words: it’s cheaper visiting my friends in Spain than seeing my family over the weekend in Bremen. Crazy.

Author: jke

Hi, I am an engineer who freelances in water & sanitation-related IT projects at Saniblog.org. You'll also find me on Twitter @jke and Instagram.

7 thoughts on “Tapas in Seville?”

  1. Sorry, you are right:

    With advance booking and further discounts, the train ride from Frankfurt to Bremen and retour is at least 59,- EUR.

    From Frankfurt to Jerez via ryanair, some flights are available at 0,01 EUR, so you’ll only have to pay for taxes and other extra charges. Still, this way it’s much cheaper than the train ride.

    Transport to and from the airport and train station not included.

  2. Aaaah, but RYANAIR, my son! That’s not a respectable airline. I won’t go into details here, but you have to compare flying with those guys to Sevilla with hitch-hiking to Bremen. ;-)

    But you can’t really compare it as easily as that. Consider the following:
    A ticket for 0,01 Euro is not a realistic price. Under normal circumstances, you’d pay about fifty to a hundred Euros with an LCC, or somewhere around 1200 with Lufthansa/Iberia.
    The Deutsche Bahn is ridiculously expensive, due to a failed policy of their management – but that’s a different story. I personally never even think about it; it’s either by plane or by car.
    But since the DB wants to offer a high-quality product, with fast, clean, modern trains, reserved seats, restaurant-car, modern stations and quick connections (at least that’s what they advertise), then you should compare it to an agency like Lufthansa.

    Riding inside the loading compartment of a truck to Bremen, or flying with Ryanair to Sevilla, will probably cost about the same. And be just as convenient. ;-)

  3. Oh, warte mal, ich habe gerade das hier auf http://www.tagesschau.de gelesen. Den vollständigen Artikel gibt es unter


    Die Deutsche Bahn will die Ticketpreise für Züge im Fern- und Nahverkehr nach einem Zeitungsbericht um 2,9 Prozent erhöhen. Die Steigerung solle zum Jahresende wirksam werden, schreibt die “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” unter Berufung auf Unternehmenskreise. Begründet werde der Schritt mit den gestiegenen Stahl- und Energiepreisen. Die Bahn wollte auf Anfrage keine Stellungnahme dazu abgeben.

  4. See?

    On a more polemic note: what’s the difference between Lufthansa and Ryanair? Applauding passengers? :-D

    From a customer’s point of view, and despite of the smart marketing Ryanair has done in the past (with their limitations, etc.), I think what others want to see at the bottom line is cheap & fast transport.
    This morning I paid 29,- EUR for a DeutscheBahn train ticket from Frankfurt to Göttingen, but only because I’d booked that 3 days in advance. Now those are about 300km. For the same amount, Ryanair takes me to another destination outside of Germany.

    My question is: has flying become too cheap, or is the train too expensive? Or both? And what about Climate Change?

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