Just a short notice to those poor souls who are confronted with the scenario in which they are forced to run an executable file (*.exe) on their machine which requires an installation and don’t have administrator privileges in a Win NT/2K/XP/Vista environment – so an installation often isn’t possible.
I am currently working on a proposal that has to be changed and had to install a software which is the _only_ way to actually fill out the application form. Since I do not have any administrator privileges on the machine in our office, I pulled out the notebook with an open (~ as in “sudo root”) operating system and installed the required software on an external USB memory/flash stick, running the previously mentioned PortableApps suite.
This way, the installation is done directly on the external flash drive and may be used on any computer – which is of particular interest as the required printers often aren’t set up on all machines.
Oder gerne auch auf Deutsch: für das elektronische Antrags- und Angebots-System (easy) diverser Bundesministerien (BMBF, BMELV, BMFSFJ, BAMF, BMU, BMWi, etc.) setzt man das easy-Programm am Besten in Verbindung mit der PortableApps Suite auf einem externen Speicherstick ein, da nicht alle Bürorechner den Benutzern die zur Installation nötigen Administratorenrechte einräumen, und der Ausdruck von den “ungeschützten” Rechnern in der Praxis meist nicht möglich ist (z.B. eigenes Notebook in Verbindung mit dem Laserdrucker im Büro).
hope this helps!
I assume your request for even limited admin rights was turned down?
I’m gonna beg and plead not to be a regular user in my next gig. I REFUSE to use Internet Explorer so it might be Portable Firefox for me.