questions notes of the day

Is there any decent solution to send out serial emails? Something that a) works out of MS Outlook or b) any freeware that does the job?

Building websites these day – do we still have to use a huge CMS, or will WordPress substitute all these website needs we had in the past?
What I like about using WP instead of any bigger CMS is the ease of installation and training future content editors.

How do bulky Nokia S60 phones actually match with recent fashion trends in form of skinny jeans / cigarette pants as portrayed by hip THE bands?
Just where are you supposed to put your phone if your trousers don’t even leave enough space for your keys?

“Second Life? Get a first…” [via Life 1.0 conversations over a Stöffche with my mate , the 61440 dude]

to be continued…

Author: jke

Hi, I am an engineer who freelances in water & sanitation-related IT projects at You'll also find me on Twitter @jke and Instagram.

2 thoughts on “questions notes of the day”

  1. For emails, contact me, I have a mailing solution on my server…its basically using phplist setup on my server. I know u are thinking another Kikuyu…well, maybe, but depending on who you are targeting, you might find me very resourceful, especially if you are targeting Kenyans. I know you have read a mail from me once or twice, maybe about, or any other of my site. By the way, next you will be hearing of! You might as well blog a little about it…

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