le fabuleux destin….

Kikuyumoja’s Realm, my blog, has in the past greatly been influenced by this particular love of one fine woman out there: Mbuzimoja.
A great deal of this passion included the frequent and very intensive exchange of ideas, thoughts, feelings and findings. It were these things that made this relationship so very special and different from others.


Mbuzimoja, that little goat from the slopes of Kikwaru, is with another herdsman now, who btw also blogs. And although I don’t know much about him, I tend to respect and trust him, and I think she’s in good hands.

I haven’t been blogging anything lately – but not because there wasn’t anything to write about. Instead, it’s this joy of sharing my worlds with others that has somehow vanished. A joy that had been nutured by intellectual, creative and interesting input from those that inspired me the most.

Love sure is the driving force behind many actions in my life. The difficulty is to keep on doing things once these driving forces have changed their directions.

Author: jke

Hi, I am an engineer who freelances in water & sanitation-related IT projects at Saniblog.org. You'll also find me on Twitter @jke and Instagram.

13 thoughts on “le fabuleux destin….”

  1. Hey, here’s some inspiration – you already inspire. There are some avid readers out there (as I came to realise when we discussed your post with pals the other day and someone pipes up, “Aaah – you are a Kikuyumojan”. We may not comment always but we here.

    And perhaps you are on the wrong slopes – there are more goats further north of Kenya – LOL!

  2. I know what you mean… when love is lost, one almost loses, and sometimes does, lose direction. Take heart, heal and know that not all is lost. You will soon love another! Cheers mate! And I, oh so much, love your blog!

  3. Pole sana,…..
    have no idea what else to say – Thanks for sharing. I think that one of the ‘other driving forces’ that you have is an amazing wendo for your country! – Natarajia that will keep you blogging!

  4. Hey, thengiu muno! In fact, I didn’t mention this to be consoled or anything, it’s just this part of the blog which has gone missing now and I thought about explaining it because it made me stop blogging. I don’t want this particular exchange being limited to what i write here and her reading it then. I am still a human being next to this WWWorld…

    Ati, Kikuyumojan? ROFL!!!! Now that really makes my heart jump – thx!

  5. You are trully a graceful and a true gentleman for taking the time to write this and I’m sure it was not easy to do but , gracefully wish those you love well and hope someday you shall find love again, it happens .Always take the best of the moments you had with Mbuzimoja and cherish the moments. Everytime in life we encounter people, they leave a trace of good things, make ouur live a better however short and make our history. I wish you well and keep smiling my dear.

  6. Irene, thx. As for the love, well, so be it. But the feedback is what I really miss these days and what made me post this entry. It’s like losing a very close friend, u know?

    Also, I wanted to post this neat picture of these two bunnies. :-)

  7. I so enjoy reading your blog and would not want you to stop. I comment whenever i can and always read it, checking for any new posts every day. Ichiena, Kikuyumojan, that is new. Shall we form a fan (groupie) club for kikuyumoja? I propose to be treasurer. (Mbeca migi muno) Heh heh.

    It is hard to lose a close friend, but when one door closes, i understand several others are opened, its just that sometimes due to our human frailty we look too long at the closed door and by the time we look around, they are closed too. Boy, dont i know that! :-)

  8. BTW

    You are one of the few blogs in my aggregator, if you stut down, I will maybe one other blog to read. So, for selfish reasons, I need you to keep blogging.


  9. Pole about the heartbreak. It’s life. I’m sure you will be abool to pull through. Keep sharing Kenya and all its wackiness and greatness. There is a true following that type in your url. I said type in your url. Now that’s something!

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