Fussball ist unser Leben…(part 2)


“Heute sind sie fällig…ich schwörs Euch, Jungs….die sin fällig”
(Jürgen Klinsmann)

Ein hammergeiler Trailer zum neuen Sönke Wortmann Film “Ein Sommermärchen”, soeben veröffentlicht beim SPON und da ich bisher noch nicht gecheckt hab, wie/ob man ausm SPON die eingebetteten (geschützen?) Videos verlinkt, hier also ganz old-school der Hinweis auf einen zumindest vielversprechenden Trailer – und so ganz nebenbei wird uns auch noch verraten, was damals auf Lehmanns Zettel stand.

Die WM 2006 hat mich echt nachhaltig beeindruckt.

Author: jke

Hi, I am an engineer who freelances in water & sanitation-related IT projects at Saniblog.org. You'll also find me on Twitter @jke and Instagram.

2 thoughts on “Fussball ist unser Leben…(part 2)”

  1. Taphadhali tafsri hii?? Big fan of the german national team (circa 1990), very proud of their performance this year (except for the last 5 mins of the Italy game). For once I (and many others) are optimistic about the German team, no old players (remember the 1998 world cup?) to replace, continuity and added experience. Please give me translation of your post (tried to learn german in highschool but I failed). It seems to be a documentary of some sought, can see Jurgern (no. 16) Klinsman and the rest of the crew.

  2. Githush! Pole, let me pls explain this: the german film maker Sönke Wortmann – who started his career as a pro in soccer – made a flick some years ago about the famous victory in Bern in 1954, which really caught the atmosphere of the time back then, right after the WW2 and portrayed how the performance of the german team reflected a boost for the whole of Germany. In 1954, lots of POWs returned from Russia and so their returning plus the victory finally sealed the end of the war for most Germans.

    Since his movie was highly appreciated in Germany, he was asked or maybe volunteered to accompany this years German national team on their way to WC’06 and took his camera along. You may have seen this guy on the pitch at the end of the games while filming the trainer and the players. That is, he followed them on every step and got a perfect inside view of what was happening behind the scenes / off stage.

    Out of all these footages he cut a film, apptly named it “Ein Sommermärchen” (~ a summer tale) and compiled a trailer which was today mentioned by Germany’s Der Spiegel newszine. The link in my post directs to this Spiegel Online (SPON) article – if interested, you should check out the video which only streams from that page.

    I agree with you – the german team and its young players + new tactics (eventually!) really surprised everyone in Germany and turned the WC’06 into a matter of national interest and importance. For the first time since reunification in 1990 between the East and West, ppl started to have this feeling for nationalism (in a positive sense) again – something they had lost for a long time (since WW2!) and which was dearly needed while the country suffers from globalization issues and internal political changes. ~ some sort of umoja na uhuru spirit.
    I recently read a story that JK wants to train the US team now as he is married to an American + lives in California most of the time.

    I wish there could be an East African team playing in SA in 2010!

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