another view…

Part 2 of Saturday saw us doing it the Nairobi way by switching from the dirt of Waruku to the beautiful view(s) behind Karen – in particular the area next to that KBC transmitter station somewhere on the way to Ngong.sat1.jpg
That’s for you, dear Oscar & Zora! :-)

It was already late in the afternoon and we were hungry so our stomaches forced us to cancel any further Kitengela-related plans but instead proposed an improvised and spontaneous picnic at the road-side.
Ok, this is Kenya, there’s no picnic possiboooool as most plots belong to someone, so we ended up driving up to Ngong where we received the message by telephone that some strange Telekom Kenya guys had come to our place in Kigwaru during the day (which is in the north-west of Nairobi) to erect a telephone post (good) and in the process of that hacked the 2 month old water pipe into pieces (bad). Instead of returning home, though, we continued our crazy idea of enjoying our food somewhere in nature and consequently had us driving up Ngong Hills as late as 5.45 pm to reach the gates on top already closed (we met the rangers half way through and continued anyways).

The picnic included some roasted maize from the the road side as well as the unevitaboooool Lucozade Boost which btw still tastes the same as it did “back in those days”.


I tend to think that being able to do such excursions (time, money, transport, etc.) is pure luxury that needs to be enjoyed whenever possible.

I could just sit there all day long and enjoy the beauty of the view…..


Author: jke

Hi, I am an engineer who freelances in water & sanitation-related IT projects at You'll also find me on Twitter @jke and Instagram.

5 thoughts on “another view…”

  1. ich bin so neidisch! aber jetzt bist du zurück, du armer kerl. wenn alles klappt bekomme ich noch in diesem jahr besuch. und nächstes jahr fliege ich wieder, auch wenn ich dafür an mein sparbuch muss weil wegen hakuna pesa.

    i actually wonder why you left that beautiful place, lucozade finished? no maize left? i would have stayed, rather than flying back to germany. snow in june, what’s that? gosh

  2. Snow? Hapa? OMG!

    I was forced to come back, still need to write some papers…BUT! plans are to return to Kenya in October for at least 3 months if everything turns out well (internship in Embu).

  3. willkommen im arschkalten verregneten grrr, blubbb, brrr, aaarrrggghh! aber schön das du wieder da bist, pole sana & karibu. ;-)

  4. OMG! This is absolutely gorgeous and the sunset is to die for. Woiyee u are killing some of us softly LOL….

  5. Juergen, tuht mir leid wegen Oscars nummer den ich dir nicht geschickt habe. Ich war in London und hatte ihn nicht dabei. Komisch diese bekannte landschft von hier zu sehn. Ich fliege wahrscheinlich fuer denn ganzen Julie nach K. Also kafka sieht so aus als ob wir uns wieder verpassen. Eine reise nach suedfrankreich?

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