Ich muss das jetzt einfach mal posten hier…. ein Videomitschnitt der ARTE Tracks Sendung vom 06. April 2006 über das Baobab Family Project in Mombasa, Kenia, welches im April bei YouTube.com hochgeladen wurde.
This video is about the Baobab Family Project in Mombasa, Kenya, someone recorded from the french/german tv channel ARTE and uploaded to YouTube. Andreas Triebel, the founder of this NGO at the coast, came to Kenya the other day, fell in love with the country and its people and saw a need to actually do someting about these many orphans and homeless young mothers. He consequently invested all his money and built a children’s home that aims to give the children a perspective, shelter and lots of love. Kudos and respect to him for this great task!
The reasons I posted this here is because a) Jahcoustix, one of the musicians in the video who contributed his earnings of a concert in Bremen earlier this year to the Baobab Family Project, is an old friend with whom we have been schooling back in the days, b) I would like to see even MORE of these projects being pulled up by ordinary wanainchii who could equally create something like this (just think of Wangari – a lonesome fighter during all those years) and c) I would still like to see the GoK ease up their daily bureaucratic hassle of NGOs and their work.
While I agree that some NGOs are heavily overfunded and wasting a lot of mbeca on overhead expenses (which has spoilt the general opinion on their work), others are struggling hard to be acknowleged for their work and are doing this purely on humanitarian grounds without asking for any allowances or the typical “what’s in it for me?” questions (and you know I could endlessly elaborate rant on this inherited cultural phenomenon where people put “money first, work later” and wealth-accumulating-schemes in the foreground which is SO counterproductive for the mutual growth of a nation… just like those Agwambos talking politics on Mashada & Co. – what a waste of intellectual capacity!).
Jke: I totally understand where you are coming from in terms of those who are able in our society looking the other way and continue to accumulate wealth left and right with no consideration of the others. These are the same people who pose in churches praising the lord and yet outside they look away when a street child is the vicinity. We spend a whole sunday praising God at Uhuru park but why not use part of those hours to volunteer in a children’s home? or that is not part of living a righteous way?
The Newspaper the other day showed the mega mansions that our high and mighty live out there in Naivasha, and I agree it is okay to live in your dream house but how about giving back to the community? Sometimes I feel like this is such a foreign concept in Kenya and only very few successful people do remember the others who are not so priviledged.
It is true no one in our society wants to do anything to help without questioning what is in it for them , others when they are not asking, they are busy criticizing those who are trying their darnest to put a smile on a child’s face. I remember it someone in another entry said that these organizations/groups are not being heard, for lack of publicity, and I agree to some extent but yet again I wonder should we use that as an excuse, aren’t these social problems displayed all over Kenya that putting a billboard would be a mockery? If trully people want to help, one can find all these organizations. You only have to look at the way we have this disconnection with such orphanages that even our own Nation and standard Newspaper would rather have these lifestyle section showcasing some eaterly places in HongKong (how many Kenyans eat out in HongKong or even vacay there?). It is the Media responsibility to the community to highlight the plight of these groups adn what they are trying to do.
I’m suprised to be reading about your friend from your blog and yet this was a milestone to someone in Mombasa. I’m not sure if it made the Kenyan Newspaper and even if it did, probably a small caption for the main pages were occupied with our Ministers bickering left and right!!! Why does it have to take the heart of a foreign person to spearhead a project like this do this,? Why can’t we also take initiative to have a compassionate hearts? It takes so little to put a smile where none was, it really does! I know it!!
It does not even take a whole lot of money to do that since we are so money minded that we scare of easily when we hear the word “charity” Charity can also mean, go to that orphanage, volunteer your afternoon and sing along with those kids, read them a book to bed, help wash their clothes , the list is endless. Sorry JKE this is an area that deeply touches me , I didn’t mean to blog on your blog!!
“Why does it have to take the heart of a foreign person to spearhead a project like this do this,? ” Exactly, that was my line of thinking here.
That Naivasha & Othaya articoool in the DN was such a BS….as if displaying their wealthy homes would change anything. Strongly reminds me of these envy-discussions we had over here in Germany for some time.
I was just pissed at these guys talking politics all day long and playing their humour but when it comes to real actions, no one is around to join the team. See Mzalendo – M & Ory are trying hard to raise some awareness for their work and contributions from others. A lot of ppl, i tend to think, only move their ass when they see some financial benefit involved. And not only in Kenya, also here in Germany. I really hate that.
Cooperation kitu gani?
thank you people for discussing about the need to help and questioning why it has to be that foreigners are bringing help into kenians or other societies in this world. i am born in germany, my mother is from switzerland and my heart is beating for the whole world and especially for africa- i call my self a human beeing and try to live as human as possilbe – a world-citizen!
ok – my time is very limited we are still lacking people who join and take over some administrative jobs in our organization which is young but very powerful if we find more supporters.
Especially the aim to find sponsors internationally and within africa/kenya is in our focuss. some weeks ago a wealthy man from kisumu offered us a piece of land of about 3.6 hectars – but only if we are starting immediately to develope it and to bring in children – before we can do that we need some 30.000 euros and for the monthly budget for about 20-25 children about 2500 euros for the kids and all other expenses.
it is really easy to join our team and start working with us – we have our “virtual office” within our webpage. when you register your self (navigation – cooperation) we will set you free and you can start to watch what is going on in our forums etc.
at the moment we are working on a relaunch of the site which will be through in 2-3 weeks.
ok – have to go to my job now and wish you all a great time. hope that many of you join our vision and that you forward this urgent need of support to all your friends etc.
thank you,
Best Compliments.
I am interersted in participating in the Baobab Family Project and would appreciate you contacting me.
Unfortunately I do not have an e-mail address but my contact details are:
However you can also reach me through my Uncle’s e-mail address as above.
Petra Panahi
Konstanzenstr 49
Nürnberg 90439
Also kindly provide me with your physical address.
Awaiting to hear from you.
Best and Kind Regards,
Petra Panahi