This neo-LeCorbusier / Amyas Douglas Connell styled Tower is part of Parliament Buildings in Nairobi, Kenya. Everyone who’s been to Nairobi has prob. seen it – yani, what’s inside? Offices? Toilets? A secret golf range? Some city clerks peddaling on a bicycle that generates power for that clock?? …Could anyone please enlighten me on this mystery? Thx!
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all i know is that the speaker wears a wig, i don’t know if he wears it everyday or how often it is washed. that cyclist must be on a permanent tea break, cos that clock tell time as far as i know …
Maybe a bunch of office whose occupant are playing Golf at Muthaiga or eating nyama choma in Kenyatta Market while their subordinates are out hassling in their small stall full of Dubai Merchandise.:-)On a serious note, good question.
LOL @ A secret golf range – is like a Star Gate entry where the outside is all narrow but you have a whole real sized city inside? :)
Good question. I’ll let you know in January of 2008 when I report for duty as an MP!