fumbo bumani


Curiousity had kept me busy, wondering what’s in that Tower at Parliament Buildings in Nairobi, Kenya.

Possible answers to this serious question – which could have been an issue with Hon. Watchman – included "toilets, a secret golf range, city clerks peddaling on a bicycle that generates power for the installed clock, a Star Gate entry where the outside is all narrow but you have a whole real sized city inside" as well as the assumption that it only containes offices stuffed with paper. You know, all those files that had gone missing over at Nyayo House eventually had to be placed somewhere, kwasababu: the Kenyan bureaucrazy might depend on something also known as "Bubudiu", however, nothing is really lost. I am sure they still have those files labeled T.Mboya, J.M.Kariuki, J.Ward, J.Kaiser somewhere deep down in that pile of papers, as well as the names of thousand others that have ….well, bubudiued their way into contemporary Kenyan history.

Ory’s posting on "unveiling the mysteries of the Kenyan Parliament" today pointed me to the (old) website of the Kenyan Parliament – wapi we’ll find an unspectacular answer to the Tower Mystery:

The Tower
The Tower, from which an excellent panoramic view of Nairobi used to be seen, contains offices, archives, water tank and clock. The height of the top of Lantern frame is one hundred and fifty feet from the ground, while the view-point is one hundred and twenty-four feet. (source)

Majumba makubwa husitiri mambo.

AOB:Photographs of East African Cities & Towns :-)

Author: jke

Hi, I am an engineer who freelances in water & sanitation-related IT projects at Saniblog.org. You'll also find me on Twitter @jke and Instagram.

3 thoughts on “fumbo bumani”

  1. Haiya, you mean:-) they have a website, maajabu haya!!! Thxs for the link..Interesting!!! I hope to find more of what the MPs do in there when they are not discussing important issues. Maybe they play pool,a game of chess, have drink or two, is there is a pub in there, must be..let me peruse through ……

  2. I guess I was right on the Pub thingy…………”The area extending west from the main Hall, is occupied by the Lounge and Dining rooms. The Lounge is mainly used for tea, coffee, soft drinks and alcohol..” DO I SAY!

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