back to shaggz

…but this time I am prepared! :-)


AOB: I modified my gravity water filter and bought some new parts at Nakumatt when I was in Nbo. A STEFANI water filter candooool (ceramic catridge) which is way much better than this simple ceramic filter I’ve used before. The purifying process works through a) ceramic filtration, b) sterilisation through a Coloidal Silver cover and c) granular activated carbon, which adsorbs chlorine, taste, odours and organic chemicals. Also, I’ve managed to obtain one of those really hard to get plastic water taps that make it so much easier to release the purified water from the lower bucket. I’d previously installed a normal, 1/2 inch brass tap which had a really bad hydraulic behaviour (Hola Bwana Toricelli!).

Having modified this gravity water filter, the cost scheme changes to:

2 x buckets @ Ksh. 90 => Ksh. 180
1 x water purifier candle with activated carbon & coloidal silver => Ksh. 795
1 x plastic water tap => Ksh. 415
TOTAL: Ksh. 1390 /=

The very same system sells for Ksh. 2000/= in Embu, and there’s only one shop in town (run by a retired colleague from the WRMA :-) that sells these filter systems in the whole area. Now, that’s much more than the initial Ksh. 400 /=, but still a wise investment – given that I will drink more water in future which is why I came up with my own filter in the first place.


As for those wondering about the yellow colour: I think that’s due to reflections by the flash. Or the camera catches more details than what meets the human eye…

@Harrycane: ich bring Dir demnächst den Messinghahn samt Tankgewinde mit – vielleicht haste da noch nen Nutzen für im Hostel?

Author: jke

Hi, I am an engineer who freelances in water & sanitation-related IT projects at You'll also find me on Twitter @jke and Instagram.

6 thoughts on “back to shaggz”

  1. It took me a while to understand this post.

    That is the end of the all night disco from downstairs I guess.

    And the new filter looks great.


  2. Hi everyone.I used to have a stefani purifier back home and never thought I would get one here in the States. To my surprise I found a website in USA that sells Stefani Water purifiers, Stefani filters and water filter parts. Anyone looking for Stefani terracotta water purifiers or parts in USA can contact the website:

    Hope the info helps.

  3. Is there any water in the bottom container? I cannot tell if there is just air or what. Perhaps could you hold an arm or hand partially behind the container so I could see if there is distortion (as though sight passing through water.) I want to see if the yellow from the top goes away as it passes to the lower half. Thanks.

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