The German Cultural Centre, also known as the Goethe-Institute, recently published a small flyer aptly named “Am Ball mit Goethe” to promote the upcoming World Cup.
The GI, whose job is to promote German as a foreign language and the German Culture abroad (in Kenya @ Maendeleo (ya Wanawake) House, next to the French Cultural Centre), put a small list of useful words from the soccer world in this small 22-paged booklet with translations between German, English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
And they also included this hilarious visual dictionary (in German only) to succesfully distinguish the referee from the linesman as well as identifying who’s who on the field.
Mimi, me I am not the football fan, however, I am very curious to see how Germany will play its role as host to the World Cup and what kind of performance it will deliver hospitality-wise…
Football is freedom. (Bob Marley)
AOB: My congratulations to all the winners of the Kenyan Blog Awards! :-)
Click here for an overview of the winners and please make sure to check out their blogs. The Blog Awards on the Kenyan Blog Webring (KBW) are an elegant incentive to promote the Kenyan blogoshpere online and they also set some sort of standards.Who knows, maybe we’ll soon see more and more Kenyan blogs online and joining KBW?!