Ever wondered about the National Guard / Police in Lousiana and the on-going rescue operations?
I don’t know about the States (=> it is forbidden to listen to police/fire department/rescue/etc. radio communications (BOS) on 4m and 2m band over in Germany), but someone hooked up a radio scanner to the net some years ago and now we’re able to follow the radio communication of the National Guard over in Louisiana. As far as I hear it now, their communication seems to be quite disciplined.
Of course there are many more radio scanners online. I especially like those VHF ones for they usually cover local radio traffic. Nice!
…And the internet is one of the reasons why my interest in amateur radio/ham radio stopped way back in 1996 when I first got online. Next time I am in Kenya, I’ll take my HF/VHF/UHF radio scanner with me and look for a nice, high alltitude shamba in Limuru where I’ll put up my antennas :-)
73s de jke