picture heaven

Es gibt in Vancouver einen Typen, der letztens für nen Jahr in Kenia war und sich dort in die aufkommende HipHop Szene verliebt hat. Seine Website ist sehr strange, aber dennoch einen Besuch wert.

Eines seiner weiteren Projekte als Webmaster ist ne Website über Fotografen, die einen Ostafrika-Bezug haben und im Grunde so im Stil von Peter Beard weitermachen.

Ich habe mir letzens das neue Buch von Peter Beard bestellt (Lieferzeit 4 Wochen!). Nice :-)

Zara's Tales

Author: jke

Hi, I am an engineer who freelances in water & sanitation-related IT projects at Saniblog.org. You'll also find me on Twitter @jke and Instagram.

2 thoughts on “picture heaven”

  1. Hey there! Just noticed you linked to a few of my pages and was wondering what you said here – help me out because I cant speak german…


  2. Sasa bART, I actually just mentioned that “there’s this guy over in Vancouver who’s been staying in Kenya and who’s fallen in love with Nairobi’s upcomming hiphop scene”. Sindiyo?

    Yani, I also mentioned that you’ve “created a website for some photographers who have been staying in Kenya or at least have some relation to East Africa”.

    I like your website, and of course, I was especially delighted when I saw your lingala records flash with those playable tunes. SAWASAWA! Reminds me of something I wanted to do back in those days – entering KBC/VOK archive opposite Norfolk Hotel and saving all their old recordings onto someting more durable. However, I guess Duncan Brooker did a good job though (with his Afro Rock compilation) and saved something at least (that is, ppl tend to have this typical picture of evertything old = bad, so there’s no care for the musical history since the 1950s I guess….=> we’re supposed to change that one day :-)))

    so long and greetings from another Kenyan honoris causa,

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