this post does not fit into twitter, although..

…it isn’t that much longer than 140 characters.

Ok, enough with that IT humour. What’s really funny is that I just saved a link to an interesting story to my delicious account and forwarded it to a friend of mine at the other side of the globe – only to realize that he had already saved the same story 11 minutes ago on his delicious account.

AOB: a) I wish there was some sort of an iTagger plug-in for the “eZ-Publish” CMS. ; b) all tags on flickr/ipernity images – are they stored in an external index file, or rather within the meta section of the image file itself?


Seesmic (.com) – interesting new video platform with ads and, more importantly, an online editor. Broadband – here we come!

Author: jke

Hi, I am an engineer who freelances in water & sanitation-related IT projects at You'll also find me on Twitter @jke and Instagram.