1,51 kilometres


1,5km is what I walked to the office every morning while in Embu. About 1,5 km from my room in downtown Embu to the WRMA office behind the law courts.

I just measured that via Google Earth. Eh! :-)

Ok, sijui if they have already been around for some time, but I’ve just started Google Earth again and discovered some new, HighRes maps from 2007 on various locations in Kenya. Now….this is just cool. Really.

(Yeah, we’ve been using GE to spot swimming pools in the past but mind you: blue spots on the map aren’t pools but corrugated sheets as used in rural areas.)

Author: jke

Hi, I am an engineer who freelances in water & sanitation-related IT projects at Saniblog.org. You'll also find me on Twitter @jke and Instagram.

3 thoughts on “1,51 kilometres”

  1. Very cool I have checked out the pics of Embu I can even see my house breathtaking! True about the blue spots I know of only 2 swimming pools in the whole of Embu

  2. I also stroll 1.5 kilometres – across central Cape Town to get from home to work according to GE !

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