some things still only cost 10 bob…

…like these mikebe I came across while shopping for my furnitures:





The beauty of living upcountry is that you see things which have almost vanished from Nairobi. And everyone here keeps on telling me how much they prefer Embu (read: “the rural life”) to the chaos in Nairobi. True! Remember what it takes to get from A to B in Nbo? And here I won’t even need a car. Nice.

I think I should stay here.

And with this GPRS thingy now which enables me to even blog, surf, chat and email for hours there’s no need to worry. In fact, now with Safaricom and Celtel offering GPRS services on their networks, one can actually take the notebook out on Safari and Skype from the National Park (yesss, VOIP over GPRS, it works!).

p.s.: the upside of living next to a night club is that you fall asleep to Franco Luambo Makiadi, Les Wanjika, Daudi Kabaka, etc…smooth :-)

Author: jke

Hi, I am an engineer who freelances in water & sanitation-related IT projects at You'll also find me on Twitter @jke and Instagram.

4 thoughts on “some things still only cost 10 bob…”

  1. awesome! Authenticity- such a rare thing to experience in life…and so valuable. I think that is why in my memories of Nairobi seem to fade away whilst rural life is ever present! Keep rocking away, I envy you for your free lullaby :) !

  2. Interesting…..It’s a small world! I live and work in Embu. Nice and quite environment especially if your hobbies include reading, writing, meditation and yoga.

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