KJT Datsun

While working on the Suzuki, I came across this KJT (~ 1976?) Datsun station wagon which was completely worn out.


The owner of the car told me that it had been involved in an accident and was parked under a tree at a local police station for some time. He wants to invest the sum of 20.000 Kshs to have it repaired and then intends to sell it for 120.000 Kshs. The bench was covered with exterior spare parts…

“Yes, the motor, no problem – when I put a battery here, it just takes one kick and it can start.” – “Aterere….”


“Come back on Tuesday”, the owner told me, “…and you’ll see this car like new.”

Yeah, sure…. (==> KENYA believe it??! :-)

Author: jke

Hi, I am an engineer who freelances in water & sanitation-related IT projects at Saniblog.org. You'll also find me on Twitter @jke and Instagram.

6 thoughts on “KJT Datsun”

  1. these are kenyans!! the ingenuity part, though! as for Minni Inn, I schooled near there and Embu town is such a dirty place. Visit the King of Hotels in Embu (Isak Walton?) and you go straight to the loos. Answer me back kesho or afte.

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